Chapter 9: Protecting Alice

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Protecting Alice (1 Year before the events of Meeting Outsiders)

North of Orario, a village cradled in tranquility lay nestled, untouched by the city's ceaseless pulse. Like siblings, similar hamlets dotted the landscape, each with its unique tapestry of life—some sprawling and boisterous, others small and reticent. Villagers led quiet lives, their routines undisturbed save for transient figures: traders and merchants threading through their secluded haven.

Beyond the village, fields and pastures unfurled, a patchwork quilt stitched by nature's hand. Livelihoods intertwined with the land, a delicate dance of farming and husbandry. Cottages stood sentinel amidst the landscape.

On this day, the sun stretched its fingers, casting a golden glow. A breeze whispered through open fields, carrying wildflower fragrances and the scent of grass, painting the day with ethereal quality.

Within this haven, where existence hummed with the pulse of the earth. The villagers, with weathered hands and sun-kissed brows, toiled in fields and tended to livestock, their routines etched into the landscape.

As the breeze wove through grass, it whispered tales of a world beyond, where traders left transient traces. Yet, the village remained cocooned, a sanctuary of stillness.

In the outskirts, far from Orario's tumult, Bell and Alice reveled in their momentary escape. Their laughter drifted through the air as they played, oblivious to strife beyond village boundaries. Evilus cast its darkened pall over Orario, but innocence persevered in this quiet haven.

As the siblings frolicked, village children appeared, their banter muted by sight of a smaller girl. Tension thickened as they surrounded Alice, their curiosity tinged with cruelty.

"Why do you look so sick? You're so pale and skinny!" jeered an older boy, a smirk etched on his face.

Younger ones echoed his taunts, laughter twisted echoes in the landscape, pointing out Alice's delicate features and frail frame.

Alice flinched, vulnerability exposed, seeking refuge behind her twin. Bell, wrapped his arm around Alice, a shield against encroaching cruelty.

"Stop it!" Bell's voice echoed with defiance. "You have no right to say those things about my sister!" The words rippled through stillness, challenging darkness threatening their idyllic world.

"Oh, yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" one boy sneered

"Yeah, we can say whatever we want!" another chimed in, the air thickening with misplaced bravado.

"Why don't you try and stop us?" a child sneered, lips curling into a defiant smirk as he stepped forward.

"We don't have to listen to you!" another taunted.

Bell's fists clenched, tension radiating through his frame. His once innocent face flushed red with anger as he glared at the boy before him.

"What are you going to do?" the older boy taunted, leaning closer. "Are you going to hit me?"

The village children laughed. Bell's gritted teeth mirrored the storm raging within him. He hated the condescending glances, despised the mockery they aimed at Alice. The desire to make them pay surged, fueled by the injustice to his twin.

His eyes blazed with defiance, sweeping over Alice. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks, trembling with hurt. Her vulnerability stark against the innocence of playtime fueled Bell's desire to protect her.

With protective instinct beyond his years, Bell pulled Alice close, wrapping his arms around her in solidarity. The embrace conveyed emotional depth, a silent promise to stand against malice. He felt her heart racing against his chest, a palpable manifestation of distress.

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