Chapter 3 Meteria

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Six months after they had arrived in the village.


The room echoed with the harsh notes of a relentless cough, a dissonant chord in the symphony of life. Meteria's once-melodic laughter now transformed into a harsh refrain, each gasp for breath carrying the weight of her struggle. A handkerchief, once pristine, bore the cruel stains of her ailment—splinters of crimson against the canvas of vulnerability.

"Momma, are you okay?" Bell's voice, tinged with genuine concern, cut through the room. His wide eyes met his mother's gaze, holding the weight of a secret too heavy to bear.

"Momma, do you want tea? Gramma said that would help your throat," Alice pleaded with her eyes, searching for something, anything, to ease her mom's suffering.

"I'm fine, my dear. But tea would be wonderful." The words, a gentle murmur, painted a melody of reassurance over a canvas of struggle. Meteria's lips curved into a faint smile—a mask woven with care to shield her children from the harsh truth lurking in the shadows. Her voice, once unwavering, now trembled with vulnerability.

"Okay. I'll go make it right away, mommy. Just hold on. It will make you feel better soon." Alice darted to the kitchen, determined to do something, anything, to bring relief.

"I am just a little tired. A little rest and some tea will surely help." The words were a thread of fiction, woven to shield Bell and Alice from the harsh reality that threatened to unravel. Bell's gaze held skepticism and worry—a reflection of his love for his mother and his desire to protect her.

1 Year after they had arrived in the village

As Meteria's health declined, and Hera became her constant companion and caretaker. Every act of tending to Meteria's needs was an act of love, a heartbreaking testament to Hera's devotion.

Hera's days became an unbroken vigil by Meteria's side. She fed her, bathed her, and helped with every essential task, even as Meteria's ability to manage on her own dwindled. Seeing her daughter succumb to illness weighed on Hera's heart, chipping away at it each day.

Bell and Alice, keenly observant, couldn't ignore the painful truth the adults tried to shield them from. Meteria's deteriorating health became increasingly evident, and the once vibrant world outside their home faded into a mere whisper of memory.

Meteria's fits intensified, convulsions more violent, leaving her gasping for air in a battle against an invisible foe. Her breathing became a rasping struggle, and the relentless coughing brought forth a horrifying sight—blood staining once-pristine sheets.

The walls of their home enclosed Meteria like a cocoon, a sanctuary of fragility. Outside, the world moved on, oblivious to their suffering. Bell and Alice shouldered the weight of their family's well-being, managing household chores while Zeus toiled outdoors, seeking anything to ease Meteria's suffering.

"Today, Bell, we have to tackle the laundry," Alice said, her voice soft but tinged with worry. Fear etched lines on her face that she struggled to hide.

Bell nodded, determination in his eyes. "Alright, let's get started."

As they worked, Bell stole glances at his fading mother, yearning to be a source of strength in the face of her suffering. Emotions warred within him, the desire to help conflicting with the helplessness gripping his young heart.

"I hope mama gets better," Alice whispered, her voice trembling with sadness and fear.

Bell hugged his sister close, unable to offer reassuring words but conveying their shared love and concern through their embrace.

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