It's Not Too Late, Let's Go

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You used to use your cloak to carry books, sometimes a little food to have with you during the day. Today its contents felt heavy, not because it really was, but it was so fragile and valuable to Ominis that you were terrified of letting go of it, but your hands didn't stop shaking all the way back to the Slytherin common room.

Sebastian ran upstairs to his bedroom to study Salazar's diary. You and Ominis had suggested he go to the infirmary, after all he received the cruciatus curse and you were worried for him, but Sebastian was stubborn and apparently resistant, he only murmured "I'm fine, don't worry" before disappearing.

You and Ominis made your way to a couch and put your cloak and its contents next to you. Ominis couldn't stop complaining how upset and worried he was about Sebastian, forgetting that between you were the remains of his aunt Noctua and having them there was making you extremely uncomfortable.

"Ominis, I know you are upset," you interrupted him, "but do you think we could take care of ummm your aunt?"

"Oh Merlin! I was so mad, can't believe I forgot about it. I'm so sorry"

You both stayed silent for a few moments, watching the fabric bulk between you. Ominis placed a hand on the cloak before breaking the silence.

"I don't even know what to do with them... with her" you could feel the pain and confusion in his voice.

Ominis hadn't given you many details about his family, but enough to understand that Noctua was the only person in his family that he truly loved.

"It can't be easy, finding out what happened to her after all this time."

"It is not. But I can't believe I was so focused on Sebastian that I didn't even think about grabbing her remains. Thank you for that"

"Oh do not trouble yourself, it was the less that I could do. After all, I was the one that convinced you to show us the way in to the Scriptorium, I'm sorry."

You put your hand on top of Ominis's, trying to give him some comfort, but he immediately removed it as if it was on fire.

"I don't even know how to feel right now" you didn't have to ask to know he was referring to everything, Sebastian, his family, the dark arts.

So you got up and started walking away.

"I should give you some space, I'll be in my room if you..." but he didn't let you finish

"No, please stay. I'm usually not like this but, I don't want to be alone right now"

You slowly walked back to the couch, this time you sat next to him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry darling, I'm here" Ominis put his hand on yours.

"Thank you" he whispered, "but I don't know what to do. There's no point in telling my family, they wouldn't care and I don't even want to mention the Scriptorium to them."

As he spoke you looked at him with complete attention. You took your place again next to Noctua's remains so you could be at the same height as him. Ominis wasn't a very expressive person, so seeing him like this, so sad and vulnerable made your chest feel tight.

If I could just make you feel better, I would do anything.

"...and she hated the family mausoleum, but what am I supposed to do? Bury her here?"

"Why not?"

"Because it's a ridiculous idea."

"No, it's not. Wasn't there a place she loved when she was studying here? Preferably outside the castle."

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