𝙫𝙞𝙞𝙞. the king is dead

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❝ the king is dead ❞
act one . rightful heir

 rightful heir

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    ALAESSA MUST HAVE FALLEN ASLEEP AFTER ARMOND LEFT, the princess heard ruckus outside and she went to her window to see what was going on

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ALAESSA MUST HAVE FALLEN ASLEEP AFTER ARMOND LEFT, the princess heard ruckus outside and she went to her window to see what was going on.

Alaessa saw people being lend to the basement which means the cells, Alaessa was confused so she went to her door to open it but it was locked, "What is the meaning of this?" Alaessa yelled out but no one answered.

    Alaessa didn't understand why she was being locked in her chambers, she knew the queen had to have something to do with it, Alaessa started to look around her chambers to find away out, Alaessa didn't know if her chambers had a passage way. Alaessa opened her window and thought about climbing out but it risked her falling.

Alaessa heard her door being unlocked and opened so she went to the door to see Queen Alicent standing there, "What is the reason i've been here trapped and treated horribly?" Alaessa raised her voice at the Queen, "I know you're angry," Alicent spoke keeping her distance from the princess.

"Angry? I'm way pass that. Where is my husband? Does he know you've locked me in my chambers?" Alaessa stepped forward, "Alaessa, i've came here to speak to you about the situation," Alicent mentioned and Alaessa raised her eyebrows, "What situation?"

Alaessa started putting things together in her head, "The king, he's dead," Alaessa whispered and Alicent stayed silent, "And you are usurping the throne," Alicent then spoke up, "It was my husband's dying wish."

Alaessa raised her voice again, "Dying wish? For my mother and myself to get our birthright taken from us?" Alicent could tell she was getting angrier by the second so the queen stayed claim while speaking to the very angry Princess.

"Believe it or no, it is of no consequence. Aegon will be king. I came here to ask your support," Silence was the only thing heard in the room, until Alaessa laughed, "This is my mother birthright and you know that! You were there when Rhaenyra got named heir to the throne!" Alaessa mentioned and Alicent looked down.

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