Chapter 3

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Amity POV

I still can't believe I need to sit next to that overenthusiastic ball of sunshine. And I DO NOT mean that in a good way. It must be exhausting, grinning non-stop, and acting so optimistic all the time. The only time I saw her happiness fade was when someone asked her, "How the heck are you so happy? You act like nothing bad has ever happened to you. It's like you ate sunshine for breakfast, weirdo." I turned around to see my "friend" Boscha. She had that smirk on her face directed to Luz, which probably, most definitely meant, "I'm up to no good."

"Leave her alone Boscha, and whatever you're up to, I won't fall into your trap." I snapped, frowning at her. She looked at me, and mumbled something under her breath, her smirk even wider than before, if that was possible. She looked like a pink haired grinch.

"Whatever Blight." She said, still smirking as she turned around and went back to her seat.

I turned to Luz, who had a depressed look on her face. For a strange reason, I wanted to hug her and ask her what was wrong.

However, she cheered up once Ms. Eda said, "The person you are sitting next to will be your assigned partner for this project. No whining or complaining about it, or else."

She let that threat hang there for a few moments, and my heart sank to the ground. I turned to Luz, and let out a huge sigh. Not wanting to make her feel dejected again, I forced a smile on my face and said, "looks like we're partners."

"This is a semester-long project, and it is graded out of twenty-five points. For the project, you must collaborate with your partner in order to create a drawing that includes both of your art styles. First, choose a theme. Then, figure out how you're going to split the work. Your final project will be graded on how well you integrated both of your art styles, and how professional the art is. Any questions?" Eda bellowed, her voice managing to sound scary and bored at the same time.

No one raised their hand, still trying to process what had just happened.

"Well then, I guess we can -

Before Eda finished her sentence, the bell rang, dismissing them from art. 

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