Chapter 34

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Amity POV:

"Hey Sarina, hey Lily." I said, walking towards them.

"Sup." They said simultaneously.

"I need your advice on something." I muttered.

"What is it?" Sarina asked.

I took a couple of seconds to compose myself before whispering, "Luz kinda sorta asked me to go to her house."

"WHAT?" They yelled, scaring a couple of birds.

"It's to work on a project, nothing more." I clarified, glaring at them.

"But it's a date." Sarina said, still shocked.

"N-no, no it's not!" I exclaimed, my face going red.

"It's about damn time!" Lily said, grinning at me. "Congrats on the girlfriend."

Sarina turned to Lily. "Normally, I'd probably reprimand you because you said that, but those words couldn't have been truer."

"S-shut up, I told you, it's not a date." I muttered, scowling at them.

"Anyways, when is this date?" Lily asked.

"I'm not sure yet." I answered, trying to calm myself.

Just then, Sarina pulled out her phone, and started looking at something. She then laughed hysterically and showed it to Lily, who also burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, frowning at them.

Sarina tried to say something, before bursting into laughter, again. I tried to grab the phone from her, but she nimbly passed it to Lily.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked again, this time with more force.

"See for yourself." Lily said, showing the phone to me.

Luna: is minty fresh straight

Luna: cuz the oblivious otter just realized that she likes her

"How is that funny?" I asked, glaring at them.

"You are like, the least straight person here." Sarina said.

"But my name is not minty fresh, and who the heck is "the oblivious otter"?"

"That is for us to know and you to figure out." Lily remarked mysteriously.

Once we reached my house, I looked at them and warned, "Don't you dare try anything," before going inside.

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