Chapter 13

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Amity POV:

Time skip to end of school

After ELA finished, I rushed over, trying to find Sarina. She had Student Council, and I wanted to know what was going on. I spotted her walking down the hallway, and ran over to her.

"Hi Sarina." I said, breathless from the running. "What happened during Student Council?"

She turned around to face me. "Nothing much, just introductions and stuff. Besides, why do you want to know? You don't even have Student Council."

"I didn't want to be put in Art." I muttered.

"Anyway, who's that short- haired brunette girl?" Sarina asked.

"Why do you want to know?" I questioned.

"You guys seemed like good friends, so-"

"We are NOT friends. She just sits next to me in Art." I snapped, frowning at her.

"Well then, are you girlfrie-"

"N-no. Why would you think that?" I asked, my face feeling warm.

"Do you like her?" Sarina teased, smirking at me.

"Shut up, carrot." I said.

"Amity, wait up!" I heard a familiar cheerful voice say.

"Oh no." I whispered.

Luz walked over to me, and next to her was that girl with the blood-red hair.

"Hey Luz." I said, looking at the ground.

Luz introduced me to that other girl, whose name was Luna. They seemed to be good friends, since Luz looked excited while introducing her.

Sarina introduced herself, and when she said to ask me about what she had heard, I gave her a death glare. Why did I have to be friends with the person who was insistent on my love life? I was about to walk away, but what Sarina said next shocked me.

"Heyyy beetle." She said, turning to Luna.

Luna grinned, and said, "Sup cockroach."

Luz and I had matching expressions of confusion on our faces.

"How do you two know each other again?" I asked, the wheels of my head turning.

"We have been friends since 3rd grade. I just wasn't able to meet her for the past couple of days because I was moving, and all that stuff." Luna explained.

"Ohhh." I remarked, the pieces clicking into place.

Just then, I heard someone behind me.

"Hi Sarina, hi Luna, hi random brunette, hi Amity."

"Hello to you too." Sarina said, turning to look at her. Lily had caramel-colored skin, brown hair, and grayish-purple eyes. Today, she was wearing a white shirt with a sunflower on it.

"Who is she?" Luz asked, looking slightly offended at the "random brunette" part.

"I'm Lily Oaksky, Sarina's cousin!" She replied, jumping up and down. She was a year younger than us, and sometimes, no, always- acted hyperactive.

"Can we walk home already? I need to finish my homework." I said.

"Fineee." Sarina muttered. After saying our goodbyes, Sarina, Lily, and I walked home. We parted ways, and I ran upstairs to my bedroom. "Did I really like Luz, or was this just a random crush?" This question tormented me for the rest of the day, and all through the night.

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