That Day...

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I remember the very first time I ever entered Hyrule; it was a couple years ago on that dreadful day...

"Come on, (Y/N)! Just leave me here and go on without me," my best friend, Ghirahim, told me. (Yes I know that's a strange best friend, but he has swag so deal with it haha XD)

"No! I won't leave without you! You're all I have left. You're like an older brother to me. I can't leave you, not after my family was killed trying to protect me," I told him.

"(Y/N), if you don't go, we'll both be killed. I'd rather have myself killed knowing I protected you."

"Well, Ghirahim, that makes the two of us."

I grabbed his hand and dashed for whatever exit I could find. Avoiding moblins, miniblins, poes, and especially, the Gerudo. We had made our way past everything and were nearing the gates.

"Wait here," I told Ghirahim.

He took watch while I tried to find a way to open the huge gates. While doing so, I heard an arrow being shot in my direction. I waited for the impact, but it never came. I slowly turned around and saw that Ghirahim had taken the shot for himself. I stood there and it seemed my world was coming to a stop.

One arrow...and then another...and then a third...

He fell to the ground and I ran over to him. A pool of blood started to surround him. I kneeled over and took hold of his hand.

"No no no no no. Please stay with me. Don't leave me alone. Oh please, don't do this to me."

He looked up at me and smiled, his features getting paler and paler by the second, "Don't worry, I'll always be with you. Right in here."

He touched his slowly-beating heart, "I'm glad I was able to protect you..."

He started to close his eyes.

"No no no. Don't leave me. Stay awake, please."

At that moment, I heard another arrow being ready to be shot. I remained still. I would be happy to take the shot. My life was worthless anyway.

I saw the arrow coming at me slow motion. I closed my eyes and braced myself but the shot never came.

"What the...?" I thought to myself. I looked up to see a woman guarding me with this extremely large sword. I wondered how she was even able to carry it. This woman had white hair and looked somewhat tribal.

"Impa," another voice said to her, "take the girl to safety."

"Yes, my princess," Impa replied, "come with me," she told me.

I held on to Ghirahim for dear life. I didn't want to leave him.

"Please, come with me. You are in danger."

I shook my head violently, but at that moment I started to black out because of a sudden impact that hit my side.

"Princess! She's losing consciousness!" Impa said.

"Take her to safety," the other voice had said.

And with that, I don't really know what happened. I woke up with a bad headache. I tried to get up, but the pain hit me. I saw that there was a bandage in my left side.

"Please don't get up. Rest," a kind voice said to me.

I looked up to see a girl, maybe two years older than me, looking at me. She had blond hair and wore a pink dress.

"I am Princess Zelda, but just call me Zelda. What is your name?"

"(Y/N)," I responded quietly.

"That's a nice name. Do you have any family?"

"No," I said solemnly, "they died trying to protect me because I couldn't fight," I said while tears slowly started filling my eyes.

"I am very sorry to hear that," she said with sympathy filling her voice, "if you'd like, you can stay with us. I'm sure Impa would gladly take you under her wing."

I smiled after hearing the first positive thing to ever happen in my life, "Please, Princess, let me be of some use somehow to repay your kindness."

"No need for formalities, Zelda is fine. And what exactly did you have in mind?"

Impa walked into the room and I stared at the sword resting peacefully on her back.

"I want to be a knight."

End of Flashback

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