Girl's Best Friend

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??? P.O.V.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I saw my best friend walking through the courtyard with some guy I've never seen before.

"Hello, Lana," (Y/N) replied to me in a monotone voice.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I started at my teal-haired friend with her side ponytail. She's like another sister to me.

"Awww," she pouted at me, "why are you so mean to meh?"

"I'm on duty right now showing this boy around the training grounds," I replied back to her.

"Aww. Ok then. I'll leave you alone for now."

Suddenly, I saw Link go up to her and give her that weird smile he gave me earlier. He was obviously going to try and flirt with her.

"Does this guy have a life?"

Link grabbed Lana's hand, "My name is Link; what's yours?"

Lana clearly saw what he was trying to do.

"Obviously not yours," she replied back and started skipping away, "I'll see you later (Y/N)."

I nodded and turned to look at the, once again, shocked Link.

Link's P.O.V.

"What is wrong with the women here? Does my charm have no effect on them?"

I looked up and saw the (e/c) eyed girl laughing at my shocked expression.

"Shall we continue with the tour?" she asked me.

"Yes, we shall," I replied as casually as I could.

We walked through the courtyard. There was a huge fountain in the middle with a statue in the middle shaped like the Triforce. The area was greatly taken care of. There were many thriving trees and flowers growing nearby. We passed the horse stables and crossed a bridge until we finally got to some arena-like area.

"This is where the training will take place," (Y/N) finally spoke, "it's quiet here so that it's easier for our trainees to concentrate."

We continued walking until we reached another building. It was a blacksmith's workshop. We headed inside where I saw a really tall man. He looked like a pirate of some sort.

"Hey, (Y/N)," the man said, "always great to see you. New recruit?"

"Nice to see you as well, Gonzo. Yeah, this guy's a new recruit. Where's Niko?"

The tone of (Y/N)'s voice changed while talking to this guy. She spoke more tenderly, as if he were family to her. Compared to the voice she spoke to me in--monotone with hints of sarcasm.

"Oh, Niko," this Gonzo guy chuckled, "the crazy boy's out playing with cuckoos and pigs, as usual."

(Y/N) laughed but turned serious as she spoke to me again, "This is the Gonzo the Blacksmith. Some of us call him Uncle Gonzo but since you're new you will refer to him as just Gonzo. As for'll meet him eventually."

"Yes, boss." I replied.

She gave me a smirk, "That's it? What happened to all the talking you were doing back in the castle? You've been quiet for awhile."

"Just taking in everything," I replied casually.

What this girl didn't know is that I was taking in everything so that I'd be able to bring her down somehow with it. I don't really know how I would, but I would figure it out eventually. I will find out everything there is to know to beat Hyrule's best. I mean, she can't be that good. Right?

"Where's your best friend, (Y/N)?" I heard Gonzo say.

"Which one?" (Y/N) replied, "Human or...???"

"The sword," Gonzo replied.

"Oh, the bff is out on Onyx's saddle."

"Best to not leave that sword unattended, (Y/N). You know it's value."

"Yeah, I know," (Y/N) replied as she motioned for me to follow her out the door, "it's so precious I named it (sw/n)."

Ok so (sw/n) just means sword name. Excalibur from Soul Eater anyone??? Haha jk X)
Gonzo chuckled as we walked out the Blacksmith's.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As we headed out I heard Link scoff and speak. The peace was nice while it lasted I guess.

"Pfft, who calls their sword their best friend? Aren't diamonds supposed to be a girl's best friend?"

I sighed, "You, oh ignorant one, clearly only know the stereotypes of women. Yes, it's true diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but have you ever stopped and thought that the diamond isn't exactly a diamond itself?"

Link's P.O.V.

"Here she goes into one of her philosophical talks. Well at least I know she's intelligent."

(Y/N) continued, "Have you ever thought that every one of us have our own diamonds in our life? For some, the diamond can be family, pets, a passed down family trinket. It can be something perceived or it can be something that is not. But for me, the sword holds great value to me. The sword is my diamond and that 'diamond' is my best friend."

Yayayay. Another chappie ^_^ Summer break is so great isn't it? Did you guys like my interpretation of a diamond? Hope so haha.
Love you all

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