(Y/N)'s Little Chats

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Meanwhile at Hyrule Castle...

Lana's P.O.V.

I told (Y/N) I'd come back later to chat and so here I am, making my way towards the castle's library since I knew she'd be there. Princess Zelda allowed me the permission to come in. I'm not the kind of person to sneak into places, you know. But I will try to sneak up on (Y/N). Hopefully this time I'll be successful.

I walked through the hallways until I came to a familiar door. I saw that the door was cracked a little making my prank a little bit easier. I walked into the royal library. This place never seemed to stop amazing me. No matter how many times I entered this room, the number of books in here just made me stop breathing. The library was huge. Large, red wood shelves lined the walls; there was never a space in between the books. Top to bottom, the shelves were full of books. And there, in the middle of it all, was (Y/N), quietly reading a book.

"Now's my chance."

I made my way through all the shelves and was about two feet away when I suddenly heard (Y/N) say, "I already know you're there, Lana."

"Gosh, darn it," I replied to her, "I have yet to scare you."

(Y/N) laughed an actual laugh since she was with me, "And you never will."

"Ah, you finally dropped the whole emotionless act I see."

"You already know I only use that with my trainees."

I walked to the desk and picked up the book (Y/N) was previously reading.

"By the looks of it, you seemed a bit more serious this time. Talking to that Link guy and all."

Third Person P.O.V.

(Y/N) stood up and grabbed the book from Lana's hand and walked over to place it back on the shelf.

"Did I really?" (Y/N) asked with a bit of confusion in her voice. She really didn't notice that she changed at all, "I didn't notice it."

"Yep. I mean, maybe I'm crazy. Forget it."

(Y/N) walked and pondered.

"Was I really what Lana described me as?"

"Well," (Y/N) started, "he did deserve it. You should've heard the things that were coming out of that guy's mouth. He's insulting. Kind of sad, really."

"Buuuut," Lana started as she started to speak again in a playful tone, "Don't you at least think that he's somewhat attractive?"

Lana nudged her best friend in the right side being as (Y/N)'s left side still has not healed from her attack from the earlier years.

(Y/N)'s face turned completely pale. She wondered who would ever see the arrogant, self-centered man...no wait...boy as attractive? No way in a million years. But suddenly, (Y/N) started bursting into hysterical laughter earning a somewhat concerned look from her best friend.

"Well, Lana, I don't know what you see in him, but if you think he's attractive, why don't you start dating him?"

Lana pouted, but that pout turned into a smirk, "Hey, I never said anything about you two dating but the fact that you brought it up makes me wonder..."

Lana walked around and thought to herself and then clapped in happiness, "You know what? I think I...SHIP!!!"

Lana started dancing and twirling around the room like madman while all the shocked (Y/N) could do was stand still as if she'd been electrocuted.

"LANA!!!" she yelled, "Get back over here!!! I swear you shippers are so weird!!!" (Y/N) yelled as she started throwing books at her crazy friend.

After awhile of failing to hit her friend with a book, (Y/N) sighed and sat back down.

Lana came up to her and sat beside her, "You know I was joking right?"

(Y/N) looked at her and gave a glare that sent shivers down her spine, "You better have been."

"Alright, alright, sheesh," Lana said stretching out her arms and giving out a yawn, "Anyway, on a much more serious note, "Did you find out anything today about your family's killers after showing the trainee around?"

(Y/N) inhaled and then exhaled a deep breath, a look of sadness and anger forming into her eyes, "Nothing so far. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. I'll will continue to search when I have more time." (Y/N) looked up to nowhere in particular. Lana could see that her best friend was giving it her all not to cry.

"I will find them someday, Lana, I swear it," (Y/N) said with a look of determination in her eyes. Her voice a bit shaky.

"And I will be there to help you, (Y/N)."

"Thank you."

The two girls eventually got up and left the library to go to (Y/N)'s room.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I took (sw/n) out of its socket and looked at it.

"Is that...?" Lana asked.

"Yes, it is," I replied back.

I looked at (sw/n) once more, sliding my fingers on it's smooth blade. It was a beautiful sword. The blade was made of the strongest metal any blade could be made of. Golden metal ivory was, how you say, embroidered onto its handle. In the middle of the handle, was a large, mysterious gem. Engraved into the side of the blade was the saying, "To surrender is to lose and to fight is to win."

"This was the only thing left back where my family was murdered."

"So that's the sword the Princess found when they went back to look for the murderers?" Lana asked me.

"Yes," I replied to her, "It's was the only thing they found there."

I put the sword back in it's sheath.

"That is the sword I will use to kill whoever killed my family so long ago."

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