Kakariko Village

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I woke up and realized I was still in that overly fancy dress, luckily, I had some spare clothes inside of the bag I took with me. I put on a plain (f/c) shirt and some skinny jeans. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do anymore. Perhaps this would be a good chance to search for more information about my family. I should visit Lana to see what's up with the jewel as well. I had broken off a piece of that jewel before I gave it to her so that I could use it to help with my search.

I exited the room and walked out to the ground floor. I was about to make my way outside when a tall man, somewhat old, with long black hair, stopped me.

"The inn keeper informed me that a foreigner had come last night and I see that it is you, young lady," the man smiled. He had a nice aura to him so I wasn't too scared, but his height was intimidating.

"That would be me," I said while smiling, "I'm sorry if I seemed to have intruded."

The tall man returned a smile, "Oh no. You have not intruded. I was actually here to welcome you to our humble village."

He held out his hand, "My name is Renado, chief shaman of this humble village."

I shook his hand, "(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Where are you from?" he asked me.

I was going to lie but he seemed sincere, "Hyrule."

He looked at me with surprise.

"Don't tell me..."

"That's far from here. It's great to know people from there still know about our village."

He started to walk away, "It was nice meeting you, Miss (L/N). I do hope you enjoy your stay."

It's only been a couple hours since I got here and it already felt better than Hyrule. Those backstabbers...

I walked out to check on Onyx when I saw three young children surrounding my horse: two female and one male.

"This horse is so nice!" said a blonde female.

"It kind of reminds me of Epona," said the blonde male.

"You guys," said the black haired female, "We shouldn't be touching it. The owner might get mad."

I walked my way over and smiled at them, "It's alright, you know."

They all looked up in shock, probably since my face was one they've never seen before. I went up to pat Onyx, "He's a beauty, isn't he?"

"Sure is," said the blond girl, "My name is Beth.

"Nice to meet you Beth," I smiled.

The black haired girl went up to me, "My name is Luda and this here is Collin."

Collin was still looking at Onyx. He seemed to be amazed by the horse.

"The name's (Y/N)," I told them.

"(Y/N)," Collin started in a shy voice, "Are you a knight?"

I looked at him, "Why would you think that?"

"My friend, Link, he's a knight and he has a horse too."

I simply smiled since I didn't want to come off as mean, "Well, you are correct. I am a knight."

As soon as I said that, their eyes sparkled.

"You're a knight?"

"That's so cool!"

I kindly laughed at their behavior, "It's not all what it seems, but if you guys want, I'll tell you about all of my adventures."

The kids smiled at me and nodded joyously. They were so innocent and sweet. Perhaps I should stay here instead...

Link's P.O.V.

I rode through Termina fields looking for (Y/N). I had taken one of the posters back at Hyrule to use as a reference. I traveled to every town I could find, hoping to find my trainer. There was no luck. The further I got from Hyrule, the less familiar (Y/N)'s name and face was to the inhabitants. Niko was right. She would go somewhere far.


I had been traveling for almost three days but still no sign of her.

"Where are you, (Y/N)?"

I kept on riding until I passed by Kakariko Village. Crossing my fingers and hoping this would be the place, I rode in.

Three familiar faces came running up to me as I jumped off Epona.

"Link!" they sang.

"Hey, you guys," I smiled.

I crouched down to their height, "I have a quick question to ask of you," I pulled out the poster with (Y/N)'s face on it, "Have you seen--"

Collin spoke ecstatically, "Look! It's (Y/N)!"

My eyes filled with hope, "You know her?"

"Yeah!" Beth chirped in, "She's been staying here for the past three days. She's really nice."

"Where is she?" I asked them.

"Sadly," Luda spoke, "You just missed her. She left somewhere to find something."

I felt myself drain of color.

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

Beth shrugged, "Honestly, no clue."

Collin suddenly spoke again, "But why don't you wait for her? I'm sure she won't take too long."

It was worth a shot. I decided to stay in that village for awhile. I needed to find (Y/N) and bring her back.

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