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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The battle had begun. I launched towards Link as he did the same towards me. I knew this was going to be a long battle. We were both almost equally skilled.

The crowd looked with awe as our blades continued to slash at one another. The metal creating bright sparks as each blow was blocked.

"So," I said while taking in a breath as I blocked his hit and ran to find a weak spot, "Just where did you learn that skill of yours? I know I never taught you anything about technique."

My sword managed to cut off a piece of Link's green tunic and he swiftly dodged, "I saved this Kingdom and its surroundings back when I was about seven."

The blades continued to create sparks, "All by your puny little self?" I mocked.

"Yes," he responded calmly, "All by my puny little self. Well, it was me and my Master Sword."

I raised my eyebrows, "And where is that Master Sword?"

"Back at Kokiri Forrest," he responded.

The blades continued to strike one another as the crowd was becoming anxious.


Two hours have passed since the battle started. It seemed that Link and I both had unlimited stamina. He told me he would let me win, but I guess he wasn't going to make it easy for me.

"We will now have a thirty minute intermission," the announcer spoke, "As you all can tell, both participants are still not ready to give up just yet."

Link and I took our separate ways into the interior of the arena.

Ganzon's P.O.V.

Looks like it's time to put my plan into place. I turned on the silver collar that (S/N) wore around her soulless body. To think that (Y/N) would decide to go back to Hyrule. These sisters have been making my job so much easier.

"Come here, puppet," I ordered the shell and handed her the demon sword, otherwise known as (S/N), "You know what to do."

My puppet simply nodded and vanished into thin air. I ordered my minions to change every single detail about my castle. It was necessary for what was to follow.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sat on a bench in the little room within the arena's interior. I sighed as I crossed my fingers remembering my sister. I heard footsteps. A pair of brown boots were in my sight. I looked up to see Link, his blue eyes holding a look I've never seen him wear before.

He sat down beside me, "Soon it'll all be over, (Y/N). I'll let you win when we return to face the public."

I simply nodded.

"(Y/N)?" he suddenly asked, "Do you really hate me?"

I sighed, "Look. I'm sorry for saying that. I was just in a bad mood. I found something that I wish I hadn't."

He looked at me with sincerity, "I'm willing to listen if you're willing to tell me."

I sighed again, "I'll tell you after this thing is all over. Okay?"

He nodded and stayed silent for awhile but eventually spoke, "I need to tell you something later too."

I looked at him in confusion, "Alright then," I looked at the clock, "I think you should go now, Link, before someone catches you here."

I saw as he got up, somewhat reluctantly, and then left.

I closed my eyes once again when I felt a sudden chill fill the room. I reopened my eyes to see that nothing was there.

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