Training: Day Two (Part 1)

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It's currently night time of day one of Link's training and because of his current condition, Link has stayed in one of the rooms of Hyrule Castle.

Link's P.O.V.

I lied in bed and tried to get some sleep. The thing is, I couldn't. I kept thinking about (Y/N)'s earlier actions. Perhaps I should be a little more considerate towards her, I mean, after all, she clearly knows that I'm being a complete child, but she stills cares about my health. I know she only said that it's her job as a trainer to make sure the trainee is kept in good condition, but it was nice though.

"Link, stop thinking like that."

I mentally slapped and scolded myself.

"Remember what you're here for. You're here to take the title that should've been yours."

Remembering that, I snapped back to reality.

"Watch out, (Y/N), because that title won't be yours any longer."


Third Person P.O.V.

It is 4:00am in the morning of the next day and the knight-in-training decided he'd dress early and get an early start on training.

Link put on his other blue shirt and brown pants. He headed out the door and towards the training grounds. Reverting back to his arrogant ways, he strode with confidence to the Blacksmith's to get a weapon of his own personal liking.

Link thought to himself, "You are going down, (Y/N)."

And with that, he started practicing by himself in the training arena.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"It's 4:25am. I should probably head out to get some practice done before Link shows up. I bet that arrogant nuisance will be late...oh wait...'fashionably' late. What boy says that kind of phrase?"

I started getting ready. I put on plain, black pants with a little bit of chain mail on them. I put on the matching top. It was the knight trainer uniform after all. I took (sw/n) in my hand and headed out. I walked through the courtyard and to the fighting area when I heard the slashing of a sword.

"What the? I'm pretty sure the other trainers are off today so who could possibly be here at this hour?"

When I reached the cause of the sound, what I saw froze me inside and out. The site I saw was none other than Link. The same womanizing, arrogant Link. Swinging and slashing away at the metal dummies as if they were nothing.

"How did he even know we had the feature of setting up metal dummies? No matter. What the hey happened to the whiny brat I trained yesterday? I didn't even teach him much. We barely worked on conditioning."

I watched in shock as Link swished and swayed away. It was as if he were born to hold a sword. It was as if he'd had previous experience before even coming to this program.

"Just who are you, Link? Where did you even get those skills?"

I walked over to the area and leaned on the fence.

"So," I started, "Since when were you so skilled with a sword?"

He flinched at the sudden sound of something other than the sword but continued to slash away.

"And where did you even get that sword?"

He finally turned around and just smirked.

"You like it? I picked the sword out myself. Perfect weight and perfect style. Nothing compared to that piece of junk you gave me yesterday."

Link's P.O.V.

Ok, maybe I lied. The sword was not exactly the perfect one. The perfect sword was actually the Master Sword which was resting peacefully in my little treehouse back at Kokiri Forest. But this current sword will do for the time being.

I looked over at (Y/N) as she gave me an irritated stare.

"You're not supposed to be picking personalized swords yet. You just started. So put it back."

I gave the girl another smirk and stuck the sword into the dirt and leaned on it.

"But I don't want to put it back. It's ma baby," I said as I hugged the sword.

(Y/N) sighed. She clearly didn't want to waste time arguing with the fabulous me.

"Fine," she replied, "Alright then. I was going to get some practice in before training you, but since you're here," she said as I saw a sudden glint in her eye, "Why don't I use you as my punching bag?"

I felt an evil aura surrounding her. The glint shining even brighter in her eyes than it did before. I have to admit, she did kind of scare me a bit, but I kept my cool.

"Aww," I said as I used my signature childish tone, "But training doesn't start until five."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As he said that, I scoffed.

"Oh, please. By the way you were fighting earlier, I want to see if you truly do need training or not. Beat me, and we'll skip training and go onto the big league missions. Lose, and you'll go back to your original heavy sword. If we end up with a draw...we'll just have to wait and see."

"I really want to see if he's as skilled as I predict."

"So?" I asked him, "What's your pick?"

He seemed to seriously take my challenge into consideration. After what seemed like forever, though I can't really blame him since he does seem to have a low brain capacity, he responded.

"I'll take you up on that fight."

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