Training: Day Two (Part 2)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Alright then," I said whilst taking (sw/n) out of its sheath, "let's get this party started."

I took my stance while Link took his.

I laughed at him, "You'll be crying your sorry butt home once I beat you."

Link mocked my laughter, "I hope you're not just all talk."

I scoffed, "You are going down."

And with that, I leapt into the air, ready to attack my prey.

Zelda's P.O.V.

I stood at my window and watched as the two knights fought. Both of them had about the same amount of skill. They were both very good. I had assigned (Y/N) to train Link even though I knew that Link didn't need it. Link was already a skilled knight but he insisted that he be given a spot in the program.

I remember when I met him back when I was still a young girl. He had saved Hyrule Kingdom and we were all grateful to him. I had even developed feelings for him at the time. But with all the fame he had received, he was picking up girls left and right. I eventually lost those feelings for him because of what he had become. He had even used his so-called charm on me, but it was already too late.

Link eventually left the kingdom and returned to the forest and was eventually forgotten by mostly everyone.

When he suddenly came back, I asked him why he was here.


"What are you doing here, Link?"

He walked around the throne room.

"Simple," he said to me, "That whole 'best knight in all Hyrule' thing? We both know who clearly deserves that title."

I stayed calm even when I was fuming like a kettle on the inside. Why was he so upset over a title?

"First of all, Link, you left so long ago. You abused your fame and you are long forgotten by most people here."

Link had closed his eyes, clearly to calm himself.

"So," he started, "That doesn't change the fact that I saved Hyrule Kingdom back then."

Rage started to fill my voice and I yelled at him.

"But where were you when the opposition came back? Huh? Answer me, Link! Where were you? Do you know how many people were killed? Do you? I bet you don't since you spent your entire time gone doing who knows what."

He remained quiet. He had nothing to say--just as I had suspected.

"You don't deserve that title, Link. (Y/N) deserves it. She was the one who helped to fight and keep Hyrule safe."

It was now Link's turn to rage.

"She helped to protect Hyrule? Did she now? Now tell me, Zelda, did you ever even put her into battle? Do you even know if she's capable of killing her enemies?"

It was now my turn to remain silent. He was absolutely right. Never once, have I put (Y/N) into battle. She'd always offered, but I always declined her. I was afraid that it might trigger her traumatic memories. So I lied to Link.

"I've put her into battle, Link. She has great technique and fighting ability. She's able to kill her enemies without a hesitation in mind."

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