Invitation: (Part 1)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and looked at the plain box next to my night stand. I opened it and looked at the ghastly jewel.

"I will find you...whoever you are."

My thoughts suddenly averted to Link and the events that happened.

"Dang that Link. What the hell was he even doing there? What a stalker, but..." I sighed, "I guess I do I owe him a thank you and an apology."

I got up from bed and put on some jeans and a (f/c) v-neck. I made my way towards the courtyard only to be greeted by the one and only, Lana.

"(Y/NNNN)!!!" she literally screeched across from me. I covered my ears as she ran towards me to give me one of her bear hugs.

"Lana," I squeaked, "Air please."

She let go of me and gave me a goofy grin.

"I'm just so happy to see you, (Y/N). How've you been?"

She was jumping up and down. Did this girl have way too much coffee again?

"Lana," I said while laughing at her behavior, "It's only been like three days."

She gasped, "ONLY??? Well the three days was a pretty long time to me, you know," she said as she pretended to fake cry.

I laughed again.

"So how are you and that trainee, hmm?" she gave me a mischievous smile and nudged my side.

"Stop, Lana," I said irritably.

Wanting to change the subject, I brought up a more serious topic.

"Lana, I think I found something that will help me to find the murderers of my family."

She stopped joking around and put a stern look on her face, "What'd you find?"

I took the gem out of my pocket and held it up to her curious eyes.

"I found this gem when I went back to Ikana Canyon--"

She interrupted me.

"But, (Y/N), that could've been any old gem and it's prob--"

It was now my turn to cut off the teal-haired female.

"No, Lana, listen. I had an encounter with someone. I don't have any idea whatsoever who they were or where they came from, but they were the ones who gave me the hint to find this and this gem was the exact same one that was on their cloak."

She remained silent while taking in all the information I had just given her. She had motioned for me to give me the blood-red jewel to her so that she could take a look at it. I gave it to her and she observed it intently.

"This is unlike anything I've ever seen before. If you want, (Y/N), I can take it to my place and examine it."

I nodded, "Do that please," I said.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," a voice said.

We both turned around to see that it was Princess Zelda.

"Oh no, it's fine," I said as casually as I could.

"Just making sure," Zelda said as she smiled. She walked over to me and handed me an envelope.

"That, (Y/N), is for tonight's ball. It's a ball for trainers and their trainees, "Think of it as a bonding thing."

I mentally threw myself against a wall. A ball?!? No way. For trainers and their trainees??? Nuh uh. No way am I asking him to come with me.

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