The New Guy

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"(Y/N)," I heard Zelda say, "Meet the new recruit."

I looked at her before looking towards the new guy. Being that I've known Zelda for quite some time, I noticed right away that there was a look of agitation on her face as she pointed towards him. So, curious to see for myself, I looked over.

"Uh, Princess, I don't see him," I said to her.

She gave me a questioning look, "Why? He's right--" She started to chuckle removing any agitation she had before, "You can't see him because he's wearing mostly green. He's over by the window."

I looked over again, and soon enough, I saw him. There he was in all his green glory. Dark-blondish hair shimmering in the sunlight, with his blue eyes clearly holding a look of over-confidence; he looked about somewhere between mine and Zelda's age. He was smirking at me.

"What the hey is this guy's problem?"

I walked over to him, hiding all those negative thoughts and put on a fake smile for this over-confident boy.

"He doesn't deserve to be called a man just yet."

I walked over to the pointy-eared boy and greeted him, "Hello, my name is (Y/N). I will be your mentor throughout the duration of this program. What is your name?"

"Well, my dear future mentor, my name is Link."

Link's P.O.V.

"My name is Link," I told (Y/N).

I gave her one of my famous smiles that made girls go crazy. She just looked at me kind of weirdly.

"Dang, I thought it would've worked for sure."

"Hey, (Y/N), aren't you a bit young to be teaching at a program like this. And you're a girl. Aren't you supposed to be weak?" I told her trying to get her to go to her bad side.

She smiled again, clearly not phased, "Oh, my dear boy, I am not much younger than you. Younger age does not mean less experience. And though I am a girl," she walked past me, her features looking straight ahead.

Zelda's P.O.V.

"And though I am a girl..." (Y/N) turned her back to Link and looked straight ahead. I saw a smirk form on her face, "You are clearly the girl in this situation since you are the one who is apparently weak and applying for this program."

I saw Link face go into utter shock at (Y/N)'s words. I could tell he clearly was never treated this way by other girls before. I couldn't help but laugh at a side of (Y/N) I've never seen before.

"I knew you were perfect for the job, (Y/N). I applaud you."

I could feel the room getting tense so I decided to speak up, "Well now that you two have been aquainted, (Y/N), why don't you give Link a tour of the training grounds?"

"It would be my pleasure to show this wonderful boy around," she said with a hint of sarcasm and a fake smile.

I do admire her for being able to stay strong in this guy's presence.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Shall we go then?" I smiled at the elf man.

"My face hurts from this fake smiling I have to do."

I noticed he was still offended by my words earlier.

"Ha, serves you right for being so cocky."

"Link," I started, "shall we go?"

Link P.O.V.

I mustered whatever confidence I had left...

"Link, you will not be affected by this girl's nonsense."

...So, I gathered all my confidence since none of it was taken away by that girl.

Confidence back on my face, "Yes, let's go."

I followed this girl to the courtyard hardly making any conversation. I knew this girl was going to be hard to get to. But I am Link. I can do anything. What this girl doesn't know is that I'm out to take away her title. Suddenly thinking of something to talk about, I struck up conversation.

"So," I said while flipping my hair out of my face, "are you really the best knight in all of Hyrule Kingdom?"

She continued walking in front of me, "I would like to believe so, young boy."

The fact that she kept calling me "young" and "boy" was getting on my nerves, but I continued to stay calm and collected, "You clearly are the best knight. Do you not see the posters all over town?"

She stopped and took a deep breath, "I'm not really one to boast about any of my achievements. I'm the person that knows what I achieve but doesn't need the fame and recognition you think I would."

I scoffed internally, "Who wouldn't want the fame?"

We continued to walk through the courtyard until I saw (Y/N) stop.

"Well here's the..."

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!" I heard a girly voice scream.

"Oh boy," I heard (Y/N) sigh.

I looked over and saw...

And cut. Hopefully you guys liked this chappie ^_^
I'll be updating more often since I understand how frustrating it can be when authors don't update in like months or even years. I will also try to make chapters long since short chapters can be kind of annoying sometimes.

Feel free to comment, vote, or ask me stuff. I'm always happy to hear from you guys.

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