Invitation: (Part 2)

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New fill-ins for the story:

(f/c) which means favorite color

(o/f/c) which means other favorite color

(s/c) which means skin color


Link's P.O.V.

I made my way through the ballroom, still searching for (Y/N).

"Where could she possibly be? I assumed she'd be here by now."

I held the rose in my hand, making sure to not touch the thorn. Can't hurt myself with a mere rose, you know. I had walked outside to the front of Hyrule castle. I leaned on a post when I noticed a girl in a dress, probably waiting for her partner or something. It was a beautiful dress, actually. With a (f/c) and (o/f/c) floral pattern embroidered at the bottom half with a white strapless top half.

"Excuse me, miss, have you seen--"

"Since when have you ever addressed me as 'miss'?" the girl spoke while chuckling and turned around to face me.

I was shocked to see none other than, (Y/N). Her (h/c) hair was curled and done in a fancy bun with a little hair dangling around the sides. She didn't wear make-up, but she did wear a little blush complementing her (s/c) skin.

I was frozen in place. Was this really my trainer? I felt a little heat coming up to my face. Luckily, it was dark so that (Y/N) couldn't see this.

"What?" she said as she placed her hand on her hip with some attitude, "Is there something on my face?"

I shook my head, "N-no. Nothing's wrong. It's just that--"

"I look weird, don't I?" she said while chuckling, "This was all Lana's idea. That crazy girl. I was about to go change back into something less fancy..."

"No," I said abruptly which kind of shocked me a bit, "No. Don't change; you look nice, " I said while mumbling the last part.

"What are you doing, Link? You're supposed to be mean to her, not nice."

I was mentally hitting my head against a wall.

(Y/N) spoke softly, "Um, thanks. Thanks for the compliment."

"You're welcome," I said while smiling, "Before I forget, here," I said as I handed her the rose, "Apparently we were supposed to give roses, so here. I got you one."

"Oh, thank you," she said as I handed it to her.

"Ow," she suddenly said while removing her finger quickly and swishing it back and forth.

I realized that I handed her the side with the thorn.

"Oh, (Y/N). I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"It's fine," she cut me off, "It's just a little prick. That's all. Shall we go inside?"

I nodded in response. She walked in with me following behind her.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We walked in and saw everyone dancing.

"Hey, Link?" I said as he looked up at me.

"You can go on without me; I'll just be over there," I said while pointing to a balcony.

"Oh, uh, okay," was all he said. I might be crazy but it kind of sounded like he was sad.

I walked over to the balcony and inhaled the fresh air. I leaned against it and sighed. It was a ball for trainers and their trainees, yet here I was, by myself, telling my trainee to go on without me. I laughed a bit.

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