15 || Growth

223 13 0

    "Okay, Buzz. Remember the rules?"

Buzz was practically vibrating in  excitement. Several times having exceeded the speed limit on the journey over, close to causing a couple of traffic collisions.

In hindsight, you probably should've kept a lid on today's plans.

Be that as it may, xe waa otherwise refusing profusely to budge from the Junkyard for anything that even had a whiff of an 'Errand'.

Oh yes, now you all lived in a Junkyard. Your new home, curtsy of an old aquaintamce. Situated close to Chicago, in the middle of nowhere and not forgetting owned by somebody who owed Sir Reginald a favour.

No idea how or why, though. Didn't care either way, just so long as they didn't report anything.

"of course!" Buzz chittered in excitement, by all accounts an eager child, darting across into a wide open space surrounded by nothing but plains "if I see anybody, transform. I don't exist. I'm nothing but a car. Total in-cog-ni-to"

"That's… yup. You get the picture" you didn't explain it quite as dramatically "we just need to be carefu-"

Shoulder meeting door rather harshly as Buzz rounded off, kicking up a huge dust cloud. Rubbing your arm, biting back a sharp remark, aware that xe was just overly excited to be able to transform after such a long time.

Seatbelt released, exit now open, you were all but forced outside during xer seamlessly fluid transformation sequence  that was eerily serene. Watching wordlessly as each silver particle wafted sound, reconnecting in a manner of seconds, soon staring up at what appeared to be a Cybertronian.

Sure, the frame was right. Looked entirely mechanical, nothing immediately stood out unless you looked real close and had crystalline knowledge on how Transformers were supposed to look.

Buzzkill was highly polished, to a point they seemed brand new without sign of wear. Unlike the real deal, where all of them looked war torn or a little worse for wear.

Just a tiny detail you noticed, just now as you analysed Buzz stretch at alarming angles. [F/C] paint going unmarred, only dust seeming to stay behind and dampen their sheen.

Buzz shaded their optics from the blinding sun "sooooooo," they dragged "how long may I remain like this for?"

Slumping down in a boulder, slipping out an old phone you liberated at some point. Checking the time, momentarily pondering xer question, with a tone of hesitance answering "I think we can risk an hour"

"Wonderful!" experiencing exuberance over this news, derma curved upwards in a bright smile "ample time for me to exercise. Testing myself. Like a honed warrior" shadowboxing against thin air, jogging on one spot, xe laughed gleefully.

Gasping, fanning a servo your way "you should time me!" pivoting on heel, facing you straight on "see how quickly I can improve!"

"Improve on what? There's literally nothing out here" searching the rather dead looking terrain, seeing nothing but brush and dry grass. There were some rather large rocks xe could use, but that was really it.

Brushing off your point, in fact likely not even registering it, dragging xer pede through the dirt and drawing a line "I can shoot. I can cross large rocks. Surely you must be able to imagine the potential?"

Well, maybe if you squint hard enough. Of course, you wouldn't be as blunt to say that

Cradling your head, lips pursed, surveying the barren landscape once more "I'll take your word for it" a nice middle ground to settle for "I guess I can time you on… whatever it is you're doing"

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