17 || The Appeal

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   In life there was a fine line between proportionate responses and extreme actions. Struggle was finding a happy middle ground, or at least something that a majority agreed with.

This, though? Little bit too much.

You had been seated down on a plastic garden chair for questioning, leaning into your palm, grateful that somebody had the sense to start a campfire. Remaining completely still, quiet, retaining what you hoped was an enduring stoney expression to counteract Cade's.

Sandwiched between Hound and Drift, Buzzkill had been fidgeting for the past few minutes. Sat on a pile of cars, unable to keep still, equally as incapable of moving. Xe didn't want to get killed, after all, a fate both xer guards had no problems promising.

"So You," Cade pointed at where you sat, hands clasped, "managed to somehow give life by accident and your first immediate thought is to not tell anyone?"

"yeeeeah, that pretty much sums it up"

Taking a deep breath, burying his face in his hand, reeking of disappointment "what the hell were you thinking"

"it was either 'this is bad' or 'how did this happen'. I don't know, I was tired and there was a lot going on so I wasn't exactly on top of things"

"And this was since we came back to America? So that's, what, three months you've kept this from us?" gradually, his voice saw an increase in volume "you didn't even try to explain things, you just hid them away and hoped it didn't come up!"

Furrowing your brow, fixing the man with a critical look all while he stood up and started to pace "I didn't want to freak anyone out. Everyone was - is - already pretty tense, throwing Buzz into the mix was only going to make things worse. Like it is right now"

Emphasising your point by gesturing behind, to where Drift was inches away from impaling Buzzkills armour. Cade looked at the situation, as did you, first sending an overly apologetic look towards their captive.

"Speaking of; Hound, Drift. C'mon guys, they aren't going to do anything" probably should've thought to ask that sooner.

Drift harrumphed, sheathing his blade begrudgingly "I do not believe it wise to be around this one unarmed" retaining a constricting grip upon his weapon, remaining uncomfortably close to Buzz who had since sunken a little at all this negative attention.

Twisting around a little more in your seat, appreciating the hesitation over being around a former enemy without protection whilst also being grateful that both Bots decided to listen after all this "trust me, they won't do anything. They're fully reformed and on our side. Give them a chance"

"As you wish. I respect your judgement, however one wrong move and I cannot promise there won't be bloodshed"

"That's… very morbid of you, but thanks for the vote confidence Drift. Appreciate it"

While Drift inclined his head in polite agreement, Hound had dropped his weapon to the floor with a huff.

Rather than send any menacing looks towards Buzz, he capitalised on this change of atmosphere and took a seat. Igniting a cigar just as quickly as retrieving it from his toolbelt, twirling it, feeding it between his derma.

Crosshairs approached rather suddenly, stepping around the campfire, prowling around to linger behind Buzzkill "Sure, let's keep the rookie around. But if they turn, I get first shot" going as far as nudging the nuzzle of a blaster against Buzzkill back, just hard enough for xer to rock forwards.

"Pretty sure you'll have to fight Bumblebee for that job" Remarked the largest of you all, nodding to where Bee hovered just off to the side of Cade. Staring. He'd been fixated on Buzzkill for awhile now, it was growing to be concerning.

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