So where can we go now?

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It was a great day, for once... despite all that had transpired. A reunion from Zach and Notlok really changed the tone. Sure Pure Gumball may have been a bit of a jerk earlier. Yet, now that they had Zach, maybe he'd stop taking it all super seriously? Go back to his traditional self....

Well everybody, especially his own family and kids, really hoped so.

Some questions still arised however. Ones that maybe they'd get answers too soon.

One detail they purposefully wanted to leave out was what Pure Gumball had said to Irene. With Notlok back they just wanted to move past it. Knowing how angry he can get at times!

The fact that it was Irene, one of his close friends too. Yeah that was a recipe for disaster! Best to keep quiet on that.

Even Irene herself agreed. Did she feel bad, YEAH! Those are some pretty hurtful words that were still swirling through her head from time to time. I mean after all he basically made her feel, like she wasn't worth anything to this group.

After all that she was still willing to put it aside and just not mention anything. Hopefully, she'd get that apology soon though.

For many reasons, but the main ones being.....

1. It wasn't worth it for the team to all be broken up, or get into some pointless chaos that had no purpose being there.

And 2. No one wanted an injury to Pure Gumball.

"Hey, so WHAT HAPPENED!? I mean I'm glad your back, but how???" Pure Gumball asked Zach, and Notlok.

"Well, I knew I'd have about a 70/30 chance of being sent to Purgatory, if I had to put it into numbers.... And so I did it, mainly because I needed something, but also to help Notlok over here." Zach explained with just basic plot points.

"Ok, well I guess that makes sense but, what was it you needed?" Pure Gumball asked further.

"I needed, some of this."

As Zach said that, he pulled out a bottle of Black ooze. The same ooze from the black nothingness that is Purgatory.

The bottle was small, but that didn't matter. This stuff was very useful. If you were to fill just a drop of that into his machine it'd give him some very high power.

You see, Zach had some machines. More like Robotic Fists. But they were incredibly heavy to carry around. This was one of the many reasons why Zach trained and tried to train his mind and body to go past its usual limits.

These used to belong to Anais. Or at least they were designed and built by her. In fact around half of Zach's gadgets were made by his sister in the past. Anyways, the fists were rather Average in power level.

I mean they definitely helped I some cases but for a being like Evil Rob/the Void or even Notlok. They wouldn't do that much more damage and would only make him much slower. But add a few drops of this to the core of these machines!?

Well with that, it would do at least significant damage. Probably enough to assimilate a medium sized punch on Evil Rob. Which was going to do a lot for him and was enough for his plan........

"What exactly is that?" Anais #1 asked, studying the black liquid swirling through the 5 inch bottle in Zach's hand.

The way it swirled and sparkled! It was almost as if it were alive, with the swaying motion it was producing.

Zach explained more on, pretty much why I had already said to the group. Then Zach suddenly noticed something?

Well a few things, FOF Gumball was missing. TKL Gumball's family was here. Finally, where was Richard!?

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now