Brothers.... A lot of Brothers!

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Writers note: Hello everyone! Hope your doing great, and as always accomplishing or doing whatever it is you want to do.

As for the story, ooh boy this one is gonna be an eventful one so I hope your ready. Notlok's group, The pure Wattersons, and The COR Family(plus Nightmare-ball, and Darny)

They are all out of this chapter, because we needed the space.....


If you recall, last chapter some new faces were introduced. Michael and Lucifer.... Versions of the Arch Angels.

We are going in a new direction here. I for one love the way we're going, there will be heartbreak, triumph, Grief and loss....


But regardless of whatever may come, this will be great and I'm trying to drag your emotions along with these characters. So you feel connected too in a way!

Anyways, the Bonus will be first, as promised in the End of the last chapter. So please without further ado........



BONUS/Jimmy's backstory...

Being in this room, it felt suffocating. Jimmy, didn't know what to think or feel. Jimmy was never really in touch with his emotions or, telling people that he feels weak.

In fact the thought of feeling weak or sad, was one he was taught to ignore. Mainly by his father....

He felt the need to cry, to just burst out into tears. Yet, compelled by that voice in his head.

That voice that sounded like his father, the voice that barked at him to not cry, to not collapse and feel broken.

To just shove everything inside, and let it be taken out on other people. He knew this way of thinking was wrong, yet he knew no other way of life, when it came to dealing with pain.

He remembered the last time he cried, I mean really cried! It was with his mother, he cried into her arms, her chest. So full of sadness and anger.

He was too needy.....

He was too sensitive....

He was too, Jimmy!

His father would tell him. Whether his father was a bad dad or not, want really the point.

His only crime, was ruining Jimmy's perception of life, and how to deal with pain....

How to deal with loss....

Jimmy had never cried to his father, in front of, or around his father. His father would always scoff at him, then lecture him on how wrong it was to cry infringe of others.


How rude it was, to let other people see you like that.

Whilst Jimmy sit in the hospital chair, right by his mothers side. She was still unconscious, her machine just slowly beeped.

His father had been up all night along with him. But Charles soon was asleep, unlike Jimmy.

Jimmy couldn't sleep, not even if his life depended on it.

All these thoughts, memories, And dreadful feelings swirling around him. Almost creating a thick coat of unbreathable air, not letting him move.

Finally after, around 4 more hours of waiting... Chuck came running through the door.

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