What is this Place? {Revised Edition}

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Gumball was falling, thinking about his family, his friends, and his girlfriend. After all those adventures, was this really how he was gonna die! Falling through the Void. With no one around to even be by his side, alone forever?

Until he saw a light? A bright yellowish, golden light zooming down towards him. It was Penny!
But was she alright, or why was she falling down too. Although upon second glance she was flying down, she was coming to save him!?!?

Oh my goodness, was Gumball glad to see her again.

"PENNY!" Gumball cried out, still falling.

"HOLD ON GUMBALL!!! IM ALMOST THERE!" Penny cried back.

Penny soared towards him, her wings shimmering in the chaotic void. She reached out, her hand glowing with determination and love. As their hands clasped, a surge of warmth and energy flowed through Gumball, filling him with renewed hope and strength.

"I've got you!" Penny said, her voice steady and reassuring.

With a powerful flap of her wings, she began to lift them both upward, away from the engulfing darkness. The swirling void below them raged, but Penny's golden light cut through it like a beacon. They rose higher, the portal to the real world coming into view, flickering but still open.

Gumball looked into Penny's eyes, seeing the fierce determination there. "Thank you, Penny," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"We're in this together, Gumball. Always," she replied, smiling warmly.

As they ascended, they saw the rest of their friends and family struggling against the pull of the void. One by one, they reached out, grabbing hold of each other, forming a chain of resilience and unity. Carrie, using her ghostly powers, assisted Penny and helped the rest to slowly land them.

Gumball dashed over to Penny, enveloping her in a tight embrace, his breaths coming fast as he thanked her repeatedly. Penny reassured him with a smile and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush.

Then, he hurried to his mom, holding onto her as if for dear life, while the entire Watterson family gathered for a comforting group hug. Nicole glanced over at the two girlfriends and welcomed them into the embrace, expressing gratitude for their help.

"Thank you both so much. We owe you for saving us," Nicole said gratefully as they slowly parted from the hug.

"It was nothing, Mrs. Watterson," Penny replied.

"Yeah, really," Carrie added.

Nicole smiled warmly. "Well, it meant a lot to us. I'm grateful my boys have such wonderful girls looking out for them. Reminds me of when I did the same for Richard, and still do," she chuckled.

"MOM!" Gumball and Darwin exclaimed simultaneously, their cheeks flushing along with the two couples, who exchanged embarrassed glances.

"Alright, as much as I enjoy this, we need to figure out where we are and how to get out," Anais interjected.

Richard squinted around. "All I see is static."

They all observed their surroundings, a chaotic mix of forgotten items and people swirling around them. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light streaked across the sky, prompting them to shield their eyes.

"What was that??" Carrie exclaimed, her voice tinged with alarm.

"It's a few miles ahead. Should we check it out?" Gumball turned to his mother, the de facto leader.

Nicole hesitated, concern furrowing her brow. "I'm not sure. It could be dangerous. We need to approach with caution."

"Maybe it's a way out," Anais suggested optimistically.

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now