Do you remember your name?

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After a snap of his fingers, Notlok was in a strange place..... it was a white padded room? He was no longer chained either, he was freely roaming around through the room.

He walked and brushed his hand against the wall it felt really soft? Like pillows were taped on the wall.

He then turned his head to notice a black door? With a dark red light seeping through the cracks around it. He thought of this as strange at first, but knowing all of what he's been through in his world and here now. It wasn't new to him.

As he walked towards the door, he wasn't afraid, just kind of.... Weirded out by this setting. It was creepy, to say the least. Then again, this was a demon trial, so he washed away his uncomfortableness. As he turned the door nob, he peeked his head outside of the door. Straight down was a long hallway.

He was confused but saw some doors at the very end. Then he figured this must be the way to go, obviously.

After around 10 minutes of walking, yes, it was that long of a hallway! He reached the end.

What lies in front of him were three black doors. Resembling the one he came out of earlier.

Upon seeing the doors, Notlok noticed something strange yet again.

"That's weird?" Notlok muttered to himself.

On each black door, there were carved writings on it.

One said, WHO YOU ARE....

Another said, WHAT YOU DESIRE....

And the final one, the one that the remembered that the man was talking about.

What You Fear.....

Quite honestly, Notlok didn't know what to choose first all seemed like both good and bad options? He was very conflicted at the moment.

Then all of a sudden a voice sprouted
up out of nowhere from behind him.

"Hey there Not- Woah!"

Notlok out of natural instinct swung at Zach from behind, clearly not knowing it was Zach.

Luckily for Zach, he managed to dodge the attack, swiftly ducking, underneath his attempted punch.

This surprised Notlok just a tiny bit. Sure he hadn't used all his force in that swing. But even using the smallest of his powers was nothing compared to a normal being!? Who was this guy? Who was he really..... And most importantly, what happened to him to make him this way? It was a question that stayed in his mind since he first met this version of Gumball.

"Well that's one hell of a way to greet someone, huh?" Zach sarcastically said.

"What are you doing here?" Notlok asked, not really regarding Zach's statement.

"Well when that guy snapped his fingers, I appeared in a strange room? Then, the man told me to walk down this hallway and find you to guide you or something?" Zach responded with a shrug then a short look of seriousness.

"Well then, um what door should we go through first then, I'm having trouble picking one, to be honest they all seem like there's danger behind them!?" Notlok said truthfully, rolling his eyes.

Zach took a look at the three doors. Notlok was probably right, but sitting here and doing nothing wouldn't help much so, Zach chose the WHAT YOU DESIRE DOOR first. It seemed to be somewhat easy, as long as Notlok didn't desire something evil?

"I think the What you desire door is a good first option?" Zach replies after pausing to think for a moment.

Notlok didn't know if he would like what he saw behind this one. But, it seemed that choosing one was necessary to finally start this whole thing!

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now