Young or old, still Brave and Bold?

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A prison... unknown area?

This prison.. was kept hidden from any supernatural or Meta human beings in the multiverse!

Guarded by 10 knights.. Knights of the Void. And soldiers! Demons, and random wanderers, in these universes. So far.. they must've helped at least.. 200+ Gumball's.. so far, and every day it was growing more and more.

These Knights.. as he called them, they were characters from other worlds. Most were very powerful or possessed some kind of interesting skill.

In fact, most of these characters had already gone through some sort of psychological break in their own stories/ worlds. Some, are simply just evil, angry or lost?

Who were these knights? Well...

The 10th in power was an alternate version of Penny, one that had become Evil... let's just say, nobody excepted her when she left her shell. Not even the only person she wanted to.

The 9th.. was a rather sleezy and creepy old man?
Someone who had frequently cheated death, until his unfortunate demise. Against two junior high students, who were closer together than ever... thanks to him. His name was-

Gregory Gilson...

Brought back from the dead! Only this time, as a demon, by the Void itself.

The 8th, was yet another rouge Angel... someone who was not evil, really. The truth is, he desired to be free. And he figured if he was on the winning side... if this war. At least he'd have some sort of control when it's all said and done. His name was Ezekiel, a very kind angel. Torn apart by his older brothers in heaven.

His power was significant, but his mental strength was questionable, it was rumored that he once shot 3 of his angels in battle, out of nowhere. Then, had told other angels he had no recollection? Strange.

The 7th.. well, she was actually someone we've encountered before my dear reader! Sedalia, decided to join The Void. As one of the very first to join him, despite her rank at #7!

Her interest, and intentions are unclear.... But knowing her, she probably has her own interests in mind.

The 6th, was.. actually, huh? Someone I've never met before? A DOCTOR, named, Doctor Malfinroy, Weird name? Who used his gun to alter the shapes, Sizes, and gravity of Reality? Interesting... I need to look over the timelines, never heard of this guy.

The 5th was... well, a sort of Wendigo creature? Thing.. I mean he spoke, but not much??? Very creepy? Apparently he has killed many, and in his universe even killed his version of the Wattersons, except for one in particular, but that Watterson escaped just barely...

Moving on..

4th, was a girl named Pepper? She comes from an alternate timeline... let's just say In her universe, she lost everything, Because of Gumball Watterson! Her friends, her dearest friends! Who were so close to her. All of it gone.

(Note: this is my ending to "Strong Inferior minds" an AU inspired by "Flames of Fury" since it hasn't gotten a proper ending in half a year, and In case it never does, here's the BAD ending, AKA my version)

Peppers, powers involved Mind altering and manipulation. She had grown in her powers, over the last few years, now being close to a young adult herself.

3rd, was an older version of TKL Gumball actually? Of all people.. he had learned and discovered that his 'curse,' was actually a gift! So... let's just say he gave into his Darkness many years ago. Slaughtering many people in his path, people who mocked him and petitioned to get him locked up in a dangerous animal facility.

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now