What has your character done!?

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Quick Writers note: Hey there Readers, hope your having a good day. And thank you for choosing to read my story! It means a lot from all of you.

One little detail I wanted to add was that from Now on, the characters from Notlok's world, who are Not OC's will be Called TS *insert name*

For example: TS Darwin, TS Gumball... etc.

It just makes it easier and also, stays true to the story title rather than the main protagonist. I mean I felt like calling Them Notlok Darwin... would be like calling him Gumball Darwin from his main show if you see r we just I mean. But I am open enough to admit my mistakes and credit to CalebBillions actually in a comment on chapter 9 or 10 I believe.... He called them this then I thought it sounded better.

So that was just clear up any confusion from here on and forth! Without further ado,


TKL Gumball's perspective.......

Who said that? TKL Gumball said in his mind.

I did..... I don't have much time, but you need to know something!

Who are you, wait... your the voice from my dream? HEY, You killed me!

Only in your dream you imbecile! But listen, THIS writer has been trying to block me out.... Because there's something I can tell you that he doesn't want you to know!

I.... Ok fine, what is it that he doesn't want me to know?

How to bring these guys with you!

Really? Wait how do you know how to do that, and why wouldn't he want me to know....

First, I know because I've been trapped by him but, I could hear him speak from time to time..... it's a long story.

And secondly, because bringing them, it won't break the multiverse as he claims, Leaving them here will lead to Penny Fitzgerald's death!!! I saw it during his premonitions... when he locked me in that cage.

Wait what!? No I can't let that happen! But why wouldn't he let me try and bring them with me!? What is he hiding!? TKL Gumball thought, as balled his fist in a short stint of anger at The writer of this story.

Because.... Then taking them with you will cause one canon event to occur! A character must die in Penny's place..... and it's random, it could be anyone!

But I believe that we, can change that! And I think we should bring them! It's only for the best.

B-but what if your wrong... what if someone could die and worse, multiple people die!? Because of me....

But then Is it worth leaving her here to die? Rather than at least trying to prevent someone else's death ahead!

Yeah, I guess your right.... But I mean how would I even bring them with me!?

Easy, all you have to do is hold them tight all in a circle and recite this message to the universe.

Bring me home, but not alone.

Let me go with those I know.

And up above, Down below.

That my creator, shall not know!

Listen to me I'm only looking out for you I swear, I know you may not trust me.... But I'm only telling the truth!

Ok fine, I'll do it but.... When should I, now or.....

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now