The Void is planning something BAD!

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Writers note: hello.... Hope your having a good day, just wanted to quickly let you know that.... From time to time, from now on, The Void and anyone trapped in his mind can and will be able to speak through the comments.

It's a perk of The Void's and since their in his mind, they can use it sometimes! But usually it'll be labeled! So we'll see what happens....

It's a phenomenon that did happen with one user on here so..... we'll see if it affects anyone else?

Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Zach had not rested all night, he just sat in his chair and kept checking his Log book. Over and over again! He needed to be very sure of his findings.

Although, not sleeping that much didn't bother him. He often would do this, back when it was just him and the static world of the void. One thing he'd like to do was practice firing his pistol at the flaoating objects swirling though the sky.

As strange as it may sound it was calming for him.

However, his thoughts were cut short. He heard a stumbling up above the Basement he was in. He instantly grew suspicious and crept upstairs and out of the basement.... Placing his hand firmly on his holster.

He unlocked the door and looked out into the living room.

He surveyed the area, and FOUND......

That it was only Tristan who had woken up early.

Zach took his have off his holster and approached the young kitten. Tristan was one character, that always confused Zach?

Because, he was a lot like his former self. He was a lot like Gumball..... like that Gumball, not like himself. Not like the persona of who Zach was now!

What ZACH.... Was born to represent. Tristan was still just a young, happy kid. Something he hoped Tristan would keep with him. Even through all of this chaos.

"Oh, Hi Tristan what are you doing up so early? It's just around five in the morning." Zach asked, startling Tristan. As Tristan had thought he was the only one awake.

"Uhhh... sorry, I couldn't sleep that well." Tristan blankly stated.

Zach noticed this, and he knew himself how it felt. How it felt to not want to talk about things! Just to sit alone with your thoughts and, not think about all the bad.

The bad that just seems to keep growing.

That's when Zach got an Idea.

"Hey, Tristan.... You up for a little training?" Zach asked him with a half smile going across the left side of his face. And a much more..... shall you call it charismatic look. Than what everyone was accustomed to seeing Zach with.

Usually Zach was always serious, or worried. Never much of anything else.

At first Tristan was skeptical of what he meant by training... but then he thought if it made him better, than maybe he could help the others.

Maybe he could make his dad Super, Duper, Proud! Maybe his Dad would think of him as more than just a kid.....

"Sure, but how?" Tristan asked.

This made Zach think even further, then he had an even better idea.

"How's your aim, kid?" Zach asked as he walked outside. With a motioning hand calling for him to follow him out of the house.

Zach walked slowly not saying much to Tristan, until they reached a nearby Forrest.

Tristan was very much confused and a little bit scared of these woods. The trees... they looked like faces to him, eyes just staring into him. Judging him?

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now