It was for the best.... its me the Writer

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Writer's note: Hello everyone, I hope you're all in good health and doing well. Anyways, this chapter is going to be great! But, it may be long..... I do not know for sure yet. We have a lot to uncover, so just hold tight. I also apologize, but there won't be time for introductions! But I swear that the first thing that will be in the next chapter! Just this one is already gonna be waaaaaayyyy too long! But it has to be this long so I won't have to write two more chapters wrapping the reality shifting up!

So enjoy the Long Chapter!

TKL Gumball's perspective....

"Let me get this straight what your telling me is that there are alternative versions of us.... ones that are much different from ourselves, and these characters have some kind of power in their soul or essance, that this Entity possessing Rob wants in order to become a God and then to rule over and conquer, all of these different worlds!?" TKL Anais asked with much worry in her voice, starting to possibly believe her brother.

"And there's some weird Demon/Fairy guy?" TKL Carrie asked in her usual unamused tone.

"Yeah all that and a lot more, like I said it's a lot to take in." TKL Gumball repeated from earlier.

Then, he looked down and back up with a sudden feeling in his bones about this whole situation. One that was pure fear for even trying to involve his friends and family.

"And that's probably an understatement!" TKL Gumabll replied to himself, still recalling all the moments that had happened in the other world.

"So when you said that version of your mom who had a worse Limit problem, was also real then?" TKL Penny also asked.

"Yup." TKL Gumball simply nodded as he spoke.

"Those grown-up future versions of us?" TKL Anais asked next.

"Them too."

"And the version of me who's dating that other hybrid guy, over you.... or that Gumball?" TKL Penny asked, feeling weird about that one for sure.

"Yes, but I'm not really sure the story on that one actually feels kinda odd, but that's Fan fiction writers for you, I guess?" TKL Gumball sneezed after saying that, feeling the twitching in his nose. Also that hurt y'know I'm a writer too after all!

"Oh, so we're also not in the real world, right? We're in a bunch of stories or fan fiction of this kids show, meaning we're not even real either?" TKL Darwin spoke in a very shakey voice, raising his fins to his face in contemplation.

"Uhh... yeah, are you okay Darwin?"

TKL Gumball noticed his brothers distress. They had that sort of sense. You could call it. Even without this brotherly connection, everyone could tell he was definitely not feeling good about hearing all this.

"Oh me, yeah, I'm fine, just trying to get it all pieced together, I guess?" TKL Darwin's voice sounded like he was confused himself about saying that. It would be safe to assume that he is a terrible liar.

"You also mentioned, some older Gumball.... erm I'm kinda blanking right now, but he was taller, muscular, uhmm........ oh yeah he had spent 20 years alone in the void training and came back in time, that's the one right?" TKL Penny asked, staring at Gumball and awaiting an answer.

However, Gumball was slow to answer. He thought about Zach a bit more. A part of him thought about how anticlimactic his whole story was. I mean not to be rude, but he just let himself die after all that talk about how he came back to help stop Evil Rob. It kind of made him confused at first. But then he got angry thinking about it.....

The End - A TAWOG fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now