Day 8 "Bondage"

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A/N I kind of did this yesterday but I'm doing it again this time is shorter I'm really busy school sucks and I wanna fuck that rhymes I did it on purpose;)

POV same as yesterdays you are a normal avenger dating Bucky I'm skipping the story and shit it takes me too long

You were walking to your (and Bucky's)room you bumped into Bucky who you haven't seen all day "Bucky! Where were you all day?" You asked knowing the answer but you had to ask him "a quick mission" he gives you soft kiss on the lips "I was going to go to bed wanna join me?" "Sure" you guys walk to your room "how was the mission?"you make small talk as you hated quiet places "it was good"you enter your room Bucky closes the door behind him you take your shirt off as you walk to your closet to get your pyjamas on you feel arms wrap around your waist one metal and the other normal to be specific you sigh as you knew this was coming but didn't mind it Bucky nuzzled into your neck giving it a kiss probably leaving hickeys or love marks whatever else you can call them.

You lean into him as he holds you tighter you couldn't help but moan at the feeling he gives you just by kissing you,you turn around and kiss him he kisses back hard and you moan he takes the opportunity (A/N as always)to put his tongue in your mouth his hands start exploring your body as you focus on the feeling of pleasure he is giving you his metal hand pulls your  jeans down (A/N I don't wear jeans..) leaving you only in your underwear his eyes hungrily travel up and down your body you shiver at the intensity of his gaze he pulls you in for another kiss harder more hungry,lustful he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist your hands behind his neck pulling him impossibly closer he groans as you grind on him he walks to the bed laying you down pulling you away from the kiss he pulls something you couldn't see from the nightstand he puts your hands above your head and you feel fur on your wrist and hear a *click* you look up and see Bucky used a handcuff with fluff (you know what I mean right?)to tie your hands to the headboard you look back at him and see he already took his shirt off and you start checking him out "like what you see?" He teases "very much"you answer you can never get bored of those abs he takes off the rest of your clothes and starts kissing down your body from your chest to your stomach to your.....(I'm tired of saying vagina)pussy he starts licked you slowly you bucked you hips looking for more friction he put his hands on your hips holding you down he starts licking you quicker you pull at the restraint as you wanted to touch him so bad you got closer and closer to your climax you feel the familiar knot in your stomach you moan as Bucky starts licking you harder you moan louder as you came he sits up wiping his face with the back of his hand "good girl" he kisses you softly before entering you,you moan as your pussy is already very sensitive and he enters you fully he starts moving slowly and than starts picking up his pace moving faster as the room starts getting filled with you guys's moans and groans "I'm close"you breathe out "cum for me doll"he kisses you as you came he came at the same time he lays on top of you gonna untie me or what?"you ask he places his chin between your chest "i might just leave you there like that" "no please untie me.."you whine wanting to touch him he does "just because I love you understand?" You nod hugging your boyfriend and nuzzling into his chest falling asleep

Hope you enjoyed nothing else to say today so hope you have a good day night or afternoon bye 😘

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