Day 11 "Nipple Play"

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A/N I am having so much fun writing these it's exciting but I have limited time happy reading!

POV you are an avenger you went outside with Bucky on a date but both of you are impatient and want to fuck so you get a motel

You were done with your shower and now drying yourself off you put on a blue sun dress with flowers on it you put those shoes that have strips and things you know what I mean right? You let your hair curly just a little bit putting it half up and half down since Bucky loves that on you and you guys are going out on a date so you had to look good you walk out of your room walking to the elevator and spot Steve waiting for the elevator "hey Steve"you say he turns around and smiles at you "hey y/n how are you?" "I'm good thanks for asking" you say happily standing next to him your head reached a little below his shoulder and Bucky was shorter and you reached his shoulder the elevator dings and you enter chatting with Steve until the elevator dings you both exit you were shocked as Steve was not a virgin "THAT INNOCENT THING ISN'T A VIRGIN?!"you heard Tony say very loudly "HOW WHEN WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tony screamed "language"Steve says his cheeks very red trying to seem unaffected by the conversation Bucky shows up from the corner "since when did he lose his virginity?"he asks "a lil after his transformation" "why didn't you ever think of telling me?"Steve's whole face is now red "I-I didn't think it was important..." "for fucks sake of course you thought that"Bucky says sighing you chuckle "what's going on here?"asks Natasha as she just entered "Steve isn't a virgin"you say she stops "what the fuck"she says "THATS WHAT I SAID!"said Tony while everyone was talking about Steve and his virginity you went and hugged Bucky and giving him a quick peck on the lips smudging your lipstick a little you wipe it off and smile at him to see him smiling at you "we have a date to go to right?"you ask Bucky he nods kissing your head he holds your hand while you were walking to the elevator you started talking about random things.

You went to the garage getting one of Tony's cars thanks to Jarvis and leaving for lunch afterwards you guys went shopping and just enjoying each other's company for a few hours well more like 6 hours it was 9:38 AM you and Bucky wanted to fuck but the tower was too far away from where you were "I found a motel we can go to it's down the street 10 minutes away from here"you say showing Bucky your phone he nods "lets go there for now"this time you drove and had fun for gods sake no police officers were around you took the chance to speed and Bucky was terrified even if he trusted you he could never trust you with a car again you exited the car "you made a super soldier dizzy for fucks sake what are you an alien??"he says very dizzy "to be honest I don't know"he chuckles you guys walk to the motel and you thanked god Tony was rich because that motel was expensive as fuck you went to the elevator Bucky kissed you the elevator took a while since you got the best room with Tony's money you never did feel bad using his money you started making out with Bucky when the elevator dinged he pulled back picked you up and went to the bedroom he placed you down and kissed you again his mouth went to your neck you moaned as he kissed your sweet spot he pulled the dress over your head and kissed your body slowly going down your breathing getting heavy he takes your bra off playing with your nipples you moaned at the pain he pulled your nipples and your back arches gripping the sheets hard "you like that?" You nod unable to make words come out "words baby words"he growls "y-yes"you stutter out "good girl"he praises playing with your nipples again you moan as he kisses you lower and lower until he got to your underwear he pulled it off with his teeth "is this for me?" You roll your eyes "no it's for Tony"you say sarcastically he pinched your nipples hard "sorry..." he licked you slowly and you moaned you can imagine the rest....

A/N hope you enjoyed it i survived without painkillers it felt like shit! Don't do it it sucks like how much I wanna suck Bucky's dick anyway do you know about the app chai?it helps me to write Bucky's reactions and I enjoy it as is hope you have a good day night or afternoon

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