🧊️a freezing night🧊️

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❤❤Hello guys ,how are you doing ,i hope you're doing great .if anyone have problems i'm here to listen .remember you're always beautiful the way you are keep fighting for your dreams ,stay healthy .love you ❤❤

*Yoongi pov*

It was a Tuesday night ,everyone was fast asleep but i just couldn't ,the weather was warm yet it felt so cold ,my heart was hurting so bad ,i cried my lungs out hoping to calm myself but it all was in vain .so i sat up on the bed crossing my leg and gazing at the moon beauty "how gorgeous ,would it be a day i turn into a star everyone want to touch "
.after an hour of struggling i wore my ballet demi-pointe and went to rooftop .here we go again another sleepless night just me ,the moon,stars and the music .
Honestly ,As an 20 years old boy my life was quite basic i mean ,it all was the same ,friends ,dance ,home .but that day i saw someone ,he was literally the diffinition of perfection .hair black like the sky ,captivating sharp eyes ,red glowy lips ,sharp jawline ,i kept staring at him drowning in his beauty ,he was shirtless, tattoos all over his body ,god; he has the most sexy muscles i have ever seen .he was smoking and staring at the sky .
But what's he doing up here ? i turned around afraid that he would see me but well he already did.
"Kitten come here "he said
"M -me ?" I stutterd
"Yeah you and stop getting shy you look like a tomato ,well honestly an adorable one " he teased me
"N-no i'm not shy .i'm yoongi by the way ,min yoongi and you ? "I said staring at my lap
"Look in my eyes kitten , i'm not going to harm you ,never " he said caressing my shin
" o-okay " i gave him a bright smile
"I want you to keep smiling,always ,you have a charming smile .i'm jungkook you can call me jk .yoongi look i'm going to call you suga and from now on you'll always see me  " he said making me red
"Thank you but h-how suga ?" I said looking at him with doe eyes
"You see the day my mom died i came here to the rooftop of the ballet academy ,honestly I've always been an admirer for his calm but at that day i saw the most beautiful butterfly dancing and boom i just couldn't have enough of it ,it made all my pain go away like a drug and i kept coming back for more and that butterfly turns out to be a small little kitten with cute features and the most shiny smile ,he kept talking to himself and arguing even getting angry and i just loved it so here i am after months making him mine that pie is sweet like suga " he said while caressing my hair and i felt tears coming from the corner of my eyes
" i i but i'm not beautiful and i'm not enough ,i'm ugly and disgusting.no one will love or care about me ,no one will marry me and stay by my side i'm trash "  i said sobbing
" shhh baby stop crying you're the most beautiful kitten I've ever seen . Here look at me love you're worth it and i wanna stay by yourside if you let me ,would you ? I'll promise you the moon my precious little baby " he said kissing my hair while hugging me
" kookie ,i i can i sleep here "i said pouting and pointing at his lap
"Of course love good boy get what they want right ? And you're a good one "he said putting me over his lap and hugging me
"Yes i'm a good boy for kookie " i said breathing his scent

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