🧁would a dream be just an illusion 🧁

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"Jk pov":

I walked into the manssion and slammed the door agressivly
"Easy there lion what happened ,i almost thought the clumsy namjoon broke the door by accident " v said
"I'm not in the mood v ,we have a mission to do nooow "i said
"Any details jk ?" He asked
"We gotta find who made my kitten suffer and kill them ,those bastards i'm gonna rip their throats and shove their tongues down their ass " i said shouting angrily
"Understood bro don't worry now the game began ,mmm let's see, I'll go to hobi you know he's so skilled in these matters ,I'll for sure get the informations don't worry stick by your kitten for now he may need you "he said his boxy smile showing
"Love you bro thanks " i smiled back and gave him a hug
"See you later alligator " he said rushing out the manssion

"V pov"

If you need a spy you got hobi ,if you need a dance machine you got hobi , if you need a shiny smile you got hobi ,if you need hope you got hobi .he's literally the diffenition of sunshine .And here i am going to my best friend to bring the informations
"Hobaaaaa" I said
"Taetae ,big boy come here i missed you " he said opening his arms
"Hobiiii i missed you too i'm exhausted" i said with puppy eyes
"Owww the fearful v being a cutie now come tell me what happened " he said patting the place next him i put my head on his lap
"Hobaaa i couldn't stop dreaming about him ,he's always in my thoughts ,i think of him all day long . i know very well that i'm being desperate right now but i admire him ,i love him from the bottom of my heart .His doe eyes glowing under the moon ,his perfect nose ,fluffy rosy cheeks and red plump lips  begging to be kissed and i just ,just ouuuuh my heart can't take it anymore ,his slim waist ,squishy ass ,ooooh hobi please don't get me started or I'll get a boner .lord have mercy ,i just kept remembering the details of my dreams the most beautiful prince mermaid swimming then boom the tail disapears and there he go naked like a roman sculpt on the sand ,dancing under the moonlight ,god damn itttt i'm going crazy okay "

lord have mercy ,i just kept remembering the details of my dreams the most beautiful prince mermaid swimming then boom the tail disapears and there he go naked like a roman sculpt on the sand ,dancing under the moonlight ,god damn itttt i'm going ...

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(This is jimin in tae's dreams

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(This is jimin in tae's dreams .pssst thank me guys it's a masterpiece ❤❤❤🧁)

"I can't wait to see him taetae ,i promise you'll find him one day okay don't be sad and pouty .the time will for sure come "
"I'll wait hobaa I'll wait and when i see him I'll make him mine " i said smiling lightly still not believing if i ever would have the chance to find him
"Now take a rest ,you're tired " he said
I was about to close but i suddenly remembered
"Owwee hobi i forgot ,jk want to have some informations could you please get them for him ?" I said with puppy eyes
"Aaah these eyes they never accept a refuse ,let's see, why that bastard didn't come here with you. let me scold the shit out of him first " he said getting his phone and calling jk
"Hello bitch why you didn't come with him" said hobi
"Hobaaa i'm sorry hyung i need to make sure my kitten is safe "jk said
"Owww brat i'm not forgiving you so don't give me this soft voice but mmm i'll give you the informations what do you want "hobi said already forgiving jk
"Hyung i know you love me you can't stay mad at me .Mmm let me get to the point, my kitten had been suffering can you find out who  has a hand at this ? Pretty pleaseee" jk said
"Yaaa bastard i'm doing this for the cute boy not you .trust me I'll find who did this ,and they better learn a lesson ,he's an angel bro. who's able to hurt him " hobi said pouting
"Hyung he's mine ,and thankkkkk youuuuu i looooooove youuuuu sunshine " jk said
"Ya ya he's yours .now let me get to work bitch bye love you too " hobi said ending the call and asked me
"What's his name ?"
"Min yoongi " i said rubbing my neck
then he quickly grabbed the computer and started searching

ΠΠΠtime skipsΠΠΠ

One hour later hobi looked up drinking some suju
"Min yoongi ,20 ,college student ,professional ballet dancer ,best friend name park jimin ,when he was 5 years old his parents abandoned him and walked away giving him to his uncle unfortunately his uncle's wife wasn't the kindest person well actually she was such a bitchy witch she kept hitting and insulting him and his uncle wasn't kinder than her he harassed  him ,yoongi had enough and one day he  finally escaped from hell he started working to achieve his dream which is becoming a ballet dancer .he worked hard and made his dream come true ,his boss is a kind person ,she let him stay at her house and gave him all the love he needed and her son became his bestie .now he's a professional dancer and well a great student " hobi said pouting
"Oooh hobi he had a fucked up past " i said
"Poor boy he went through alot of shit ,i i can't believe he suffered this much ,i mean i went through alot of shit but i would never make it without my family ,v i'm sorry for you all and i wish i could be your family ,jk family ,rm's family and yoongi's family ,my mom is yours my dad is yours ,i will give all of you the family warmth you need i promise little king " he said crying and i couldn't take it suddenly i  started sobbing
"Hobaaa we love you please don't be hard on yourself okay we are fine and we all will make yoongi is doing great from now on " i said hugging him
"Now go I'll send you the names and locations of those bastards and take care ,don't drive at this state or I'll be mad take a cab ,here the money " he said giving me money
"Hahahah hobaaa i'm richer than you bro why are you giving me money i'm not 4  years old man i can pay my self " i said laughing
"Shut up i'm your hyung kid take it or i will kick your ass " he said wipping his eyes
"Thank you hobaaa love youuu i promise I'll take the cab " i said running

Hi guys your author is here i wish you liked this chapter .if you do please vote and and follow .and well if you have any suggestion comment .hahahaha plus what do you think of Jimin's pics i loooooooved them .i adore this story already .please stay healthy and love yourself ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤And by the way i turned 21 y.o in 5 oct and jimin's birthday is 13 oct ,we are both libra and we have the same vibe .this is a little bit of myself and well also i'm a ballet dancer so yeah

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