🔥love flames 🔥

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Hiiiii guys your author is here i hope you're doing great thanks for voiting please vote if you like this chapter ,stay healthy love youuuuuu 💜💜💜💜💜

In the dance academy :

"Up up piqué ,Perfect now ,double pirouette then arabesque " the lady said and all the dancers kept dancing but a certain duo couldn't stop whispering
"Shame on you yoonie you got a boyfriend and you tell me now ,i'm angry with you " jimin said looking down
"I'm really really really sorry jiminaaaaah i was a little bit shy ,you know that jiminie is my soulmate and i would never hide something from him yoonie was just a coward .can jiminie please forgive his bro "suga said tears on the cornor of his eyes
"Owww baby dont cry please i'm sorry i know yoonie loves me alooot just please tell me everything from now on we're brothers ,soulmates ,you can always rely on me and dont ever say bad words about yourself "jimin said wipping the tears off yoongi's eyes
"Jiminnnnnn and yoongiiiii out nowwww " the lady said furiously which made them quickly l run outside
"Hahahahaha mrs jannette can be a witch sometimes ,lord that was terrifying"jimin said
"Jiminaaah witches are good people she is just a meanie "suga said hitting Jimin's chest lightly
"Anyways let's circle back to the important things ,why are you wearing baggy pants during class ?" He asked being lost
"Eww y-you 're emm as-asking about this .w-well Emm my d-daddy bought them for me "yoongi said blushing
"Emmm i see,your daddy is possessive isn't he "jimin added smirking and suga just turned red a light smile now on his face

In the jeons mansion:

You fucking rats why did you do that to my angel do you have a death wish ,well let me say this you are going to beg me to kill you and i wouldn't" jk said gritting his teeth
"Look ,how cool is this jk they are crying hahahaha " v said laughing but it's just the calm before the storm he shoved a dirk on their left hands and let them bleed
"Do you know that my twin favorite colour is black but mine is red ,look how beautiful is the blood colour it makes me want to stab all over your body but we'll let that happen another day " jk said caressing his hair slowly
Suddenly he looked to one of his workers and said angrily " shove 3 dildos in his fucking hole and one down his throat and for that bitch let stab her hands and legs "
Now living the room then the mansion
"Heey jk stop there "v said
"V i'm lost bro how can they do that to my baby i can't stop blaming my self i should have been there sooner "jk said now sobbing
"Come here you are the purest soul dude ,you are kind ,honest ,strong you know that this is not your fault we'll make them regret every fucking thing so stop crying i never saw your tears since our parents death "v said stroking his cheeks softly
"Thanks taetae i love you ,but i gotta go i want to see my suga "jk said showing his bunny like teeth
"Look what we got here the most powerful mafia boss being a softie hahaha take your leave bitch " tae laughed

You fucking rats why did you do that to my angel do you have a death wish ,well let me say this you are going to beg me to kill you and i wouldn't" jk said gritting his teeth "Look ,how cool is this jk they are crying hahahaha " v said laughing bu...

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(Jk )
In the dance academy's garden :

Some girls were talking in the garden ,jimin and yoongi being on the opposite bench they listened to pretty much everything
"Girl did you see yoongi's boyfriend"
"Yahhhh he's a total snack i want to eat him "
"Nooooo he is mine i'm going to seduce him stop day dreaming "
" i would let him fuck me hard day and night I'll sacrifice my pussy for him "
"Don't get started with his dick i would suck him like a lollipop "
"But what did he like about yoongi,he's not pretty nor sexy he's even a virgin "
"Hahahahahahah right i forgot "
And by that jimin had enough he fisted his hand and pulled one of them by the hair
"You fucking sluuuuut how dare you  say that about my yoonie are you blind he is cute ,beautiful sexy and kind not like you bitch an ugly psychopath did you forgot that your boyfriend drooled when he saw me and let me say this he craved to fuck me and have a taste but i didn't let him and you lama your bf and brother are Literally begging me to be theirs do you know why cuz you both are not enough and that's why you talk shit about others "jimin spat angrily ,they run out of the garden and he fastly turned his head to look at yoongi
"Jiminah ,was does a virgin,dick ,pussy  mean ? "He said pouting
"We'll go home and I'll teach you everything baby now stop crying you are the most beautiful person alive okay "jimin said
"Haha thank uuuu jiminah i love you "he said hugging jimin
"But jiminaaah daddy is not a snack nor a lollipop he is a human are they blind ?" Suga said with doe eyes
"Hahahahah yes yes baby he's a human and I'll tell you how to make him only yours so those uglies would shut their fucking mouths "jimin said
"Jiminah stop saying bad words " yoongi said pouting
"Did you even know the meaning bro " jimin smirked holding his laughters
"Yesh i know it's a bad word to insult people that's all i'm a big mature guy i know " yoongi said proudly
"Yah yeah a big mature guy " jimin laughed

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