(my beautiful lama 🍭)

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rm cooperation :
Rm pov :

_........ ................................................and then you have a meeting to attend in london ,joon ,joon,joonie ,heeeeeeey joon ,earth to nam fuckin joon ." shouted Jackson my manager /best friend
"Fuck jackie my ears ,stop shouting ." i said glaring
"Where the fuck were you though ? ." he said smirking
" stop teasing me ,yes i was day dreaming about him " i said looking away
"Hahahah rm the dark mafia is getting shy "he smirked again
"I swear i'm gonna kill you Jackson ,yes i was thinking about him okay ,i just can't get him out of my head "i said
You probably wanna know my crush right ? Well first of all ,to be honest he's not just a crush .he is the love of my life and the light of my dark world .at first i was surprised as fuck ,i mean my type is small / cute /feminine type but then my eyes saw the most beautiful guy in the world ,i couldn't get him out of my mind .his almond eyes , botton nose ,plump lips ,perfect silhouette that kept me drooling ,how could i fell in love with a mafia boss ,we're enemies i should loathe him not masturbate and cum calling his fucking name god damn it
.his name is jin ,he is the most gorgeous creature alive
:" anyways let's drop this ,mmm and jin will be there by the way i mean in london ,so please don't let this chance go ".he said winking
:" fuuuuuck duuude why didn't you tell ,i got to go now " i said
"Damn you're drowned by his love "said jackson and i glared to him


"Mmm joonie i'm gonna tell you something but stay calm okay " jackson said
"Duuuuude hurry up tell me " i looked at him annoyed
"Jin is with a woman at the hotel and well since we're going to the same place you might see them together so please don't kill her okay " jackson said rapidly
"Fuck fuck fuck i'm gonna fucking kill her .how dare she touch what is mine "i said running to his room
I knocked on the door with all my force
"Jin jiiin jiiiin open this fucking door right noooooow " i shouted
Suddenly the door opened and there he was the most beautiful boy on earth i was eyefucking him but wait is his hair wet was he showering ,did he fuck her .
I was literally dying inside .
"N-namjoon what are y-you doing here "he said while being a blushing mess already
"Jin what the fuck are you doing ,who is the girl ,i will fucking kill her you hear me dooooo youuuu hear me .you are mine ,you was mine and you'll be always mine "i said angrily
"Namjoon who are you to shout at me ah ? Are you insane ?? " he said trying to seem tough still he was blushing mess
"I'm your owner ,you hear me you are fucking mine .only mine ,this pretty face is mine ,those broaded shoulders are mine ,this tits are mine ,this butt is mine ,this dick is mine and i'm the only one allowed to touch them ,understood  " i pushed him on the wall whispering in his ear then bited lightly on it
"Mmm ahhh j-joonie  it's not what you think i swear "he moaned with pleading eyes
"Good boy moan my name ,but now let me kill this bitch and then you'll get your punishment " i caressed his lips And then i heard a voice from inside the room
"Jinnie baby where are you it's time to eat "she shouted and i runned in the room
"Who the fu.." I stopped suddenly when i saw who she was
"Mrs kim "i added
"Joonie son i missed you were where you "she rushed hugging me
"Mom ,namjoon? You know each other?" Jin said

Hiiiii guys long time no see right ? I misseddddd you .hope you like this chapter .if you do vote and comment .looooooooove uuuuuu 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜✨🧁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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