🦋you're always beautiful 🦋

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Jungkook pov:

The sun rised and its rays made suga glow i kept staring at him not even blinking once how could a person have an angel beauty ,lord please have mercy
"Baby wake up let me get you something to eat "i said kissing his nose
"B-but kookie i'm fat i can't eat "he said pouting
"Suga what non sense you're saying ,you're sooooo small i was  terrified that you may have being starving to death but now i already  know the answer ,let's go you're eating " i said grabbing his hands
"But k-kookie .."he tried to say but i cut it
"Shhh no words ,bad boys get punishments remember?" I said
"O-okay " he stuttered
We went to the parking and i opened the car
"K-kookie,who's car is this ? " he questioned
"Hahahaha of course it's mine baby i'm 17 " i said laughing
"I'm your hyung then " he said looking at his feet
"You're my kitten suga come let's go " i said opening the door for him he blushed and entered the car
" kookie i wanna know more about you "my kitten said
" i'm jeon jungkook,a highschool student ,a professional boxer and  a ceo ,i may be young but i'm a hardworker and i get what i want whatever i want so kitten don't worry from now on i promise I'll take a good care of you and I'll treat you like the prince you are , my little baby "i said caressing his sheeks he was a blushing mess.
We arrived to the restaurant i stopped the car taking his hand and kissing it
"Baby i'm sorry i scared you earlier but don't ever say you don't wanna eat and don't  look down on yourself ever again or i'm not letting it slide okay cutie pie ? " i said softly ,he noded
"Words kitten " i said smirking
"Yes kookie " he said pouting
"Good boy now let's go " i added
We walked in the restaurant and suddenly hana came toward as "jungkookie i missed you i didn't see
you at school ,you know i can't live a day without you " she said trying to reach my shoulder but suddenly suga sat on my lap and hugged me tightly while glaring at her "mine " he said pouting
"You heared him dana right ? Now shut the fuck up and go i don't wanna be around you and by the way this is my kitten and the only moon  in my sky ,go before i lose my shit " i said annoyed by her presence
"But my name is hana not danna " she said pouting
" i don't fucking care " i added
I looked down at my baby and he was pouting
"What happened love ? You look sad " i smirked
"Kookie she wanted to touch you "he said pouting more
"I'm only yours to touch baby keep this in mind "i said kissing his forehead he giggled and gave me the most beautiful smile ever
We ate and then i gave him a ride to the academy he was in a hurry because he had morning classes and i had something to take care of . who the fuck said those awful words to my angel I'm going to fucking kill them

 who the fuck said those awful words to my angel I'm going to fucking kill them

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Yoongi doing his service in the military hahaha i love hiiiiiiim .by the way guys are you excited about the album of jungkook "golden "?? I can'ttttttt waiiiiit .
Don't forget to support me bye bye .and I'll try to update tomorrow

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