🍾🍭Needy 🍾🍭(smut🔞)

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hi everyone i inspired this chapter from jk's mv 3d (confetti )so basically he meant squirt Hahahah .it's a vmin smut btw i hope you would like it .love youuu please vote and stay safe 🍾🔥🔥💜💜💜

Yoongmin's room :

As the moon had shown its magical dim light ,jimin sat down on the floor with crossed legs yoongi didn't arrive yet he had extra classes today so jimin is alone  .breathing hardly he opened the tv to see the news .
don't get him wrong he's not even interested in that stuff still that was the only way to stalk the love of his life .call him a psychopath or whatever .
since childhood he kept dreaming about a certain someone and that person was somehow the one and only taehyung,the hottest ,sexiest ,breath taking creature alive .
those eyes sharp like a dirk ,botton nose ,rosy tempting lips ,a gorgeous boxy smile and a jaw that can murder .
And jimin just couldn't get enough he wished to be beside him and have tae just for himself sadly he is just a fan among the crowd .
Scanning  tae's features jimin's hand made its way to his semi-hard dick ,palming it slowly .then his eyes lowered to gaze at the man's body ,well build torso and thighs with veiny hands .
"Daddy i want you to choke me with those hands ,i would be a good boy for you just like i always was " the little boy said his lips slightly parted tears on the corner of his eyes .
His hands caressed his body slowly ,undressing himself in the process .he bites his lower lip a moan skipped his mouth while pinching the nipples closing his legs from the horniness .
He imagened the way tae would take care of his neediness ,he would slowly kiss him in a tender way which turns with time into a hot makeout session ,he would squeeze that plump ass and when jimin moans he would push his tongue inside gaining all the power and dominance .then v's lips would make its way to the neck give it some butterfly kisses which turns into open mouthed ones and here jimin would lost his mind And senses
"tae ahhh please " jimin moans closing his eyes
"Who ???" Tae says angrily giving a hard spank on Jimin's butt
"Please s-sir ahhhhh"he stuttering getting another hard spank on his now red ass
"Whooo ??"v added now being furious
"Ahhhh please daddyyy i can't take it anymore i want you in me " jimin gave a high pitched moan .
"Good boy what a beautiful sight for daddy ,what a slut wearing lace panties again are you waiting for me to see it,want to seduce me huh "tae added .
Pulling his lace panties down jimin brang the bottle of lube .
sucking his fingers the little boy moaned :"daddyyyy let me taste youuu ahhh please i'm a slut for your cock i wanna suck it and gog myself on it ,ahhh -ahhh i want my mouth to be filled with your semen please let me be your one and only ,please let me be the only mouth you fuck ,let me be your only slut don't take care of anyone beside me "
Now v is thrusting in his mouth in an animalistic speed pulling him closer by his hair ,he was deepthroating him like a sextoy,jimin being the good boy he is,put his palms on v's thighs and carry on to suck him like his life depends on it .
Jimin covers his fingers with a good amount of lube inserted a finger in moaning :" mmmm aaaah master can you see how i'm needy for you ,my little dick is all red ,i assume you that i would cum by just seing you ,i'm watering ahhhhh i can't take it anymore ahhhh please p_please daddy thrust inside me h-hard ahhhh " he said scessioring himself fastly then adding two other fingers
"A -aaaaah yeah yeees mmmm daddy t-there pleaseeee i want to cuuuuum ahhhhhh " jimin added
"Sluuut ,you don't get to cum before your master or you'll be punished " v said spanking him hard
"A-aaah daddy sorry i -i just want to show my master how i can squirt from his dick only ,how i can cumm and moan louder than any other bitch or bastard out there i want to be a good slut for daddy " jimin said moaning
"Open your fucking mouth cunt " v said sternly
"Aaaaaam"jimin showed him his tongue then v spit on it
"Swallow it slut "tae haskily said in Jimin's ear and the little boy did
Now v is ramming in Jimin's hole without mercy .as his thoughts get wild jimin is now fucking himself on his four fingers crying and moaning in desire and lust
"Ahhhhhhhh a-ahhhhh there masterrrr fuck your slut please " jimin shouted
"Your just a cum slut for me ,taking my dick mmmm aren't you " v said gritting his teeth
"Ahhhh yes mmmm owww godddd d-daddy please let me cum " jimin pleaded Suddenly v choke him while speading up his thrusts
"My slut wants to cum ,did he deserve it ?"v smirked in a deep voice
"Yeah ahhhhh yes yes yes yes i'm a good boy i will do anything daddyyyy"jimin said crying in need and lust
"Cum for me slut "v said biting on Jimin's ear
"A -aaaaah aaaaah aaaaa Mmm " jimin shouted out now squirting ,his seed everywhere in the floor and his his panties are soaking wet.
He organized his room before yoongi arrives and went to take a warm bath while scolding him self for being so needy like every time he imagines v .
Growing up jimin had alot of onenight stands to forget the pleasure imagining v gives him  but even with those boys he keeps thinking about the one and only tae.and that's why he don't give a fuck about boys drooling over him everywhere .
he just wants v ,fuck others they are not enough for him .

I hope you like this smut i would write longer next time i mean this is just jimin's imagination isn't it hahahahah. Please be healthy see you next time 💜💜💜💜💜

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