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Hello babies your author is here ,first of all i hope you are doing great ,please stay healthy and remember to love yourself .if you like the chapter please vote .love youuuuuu 💜💜💜💜


Jimiiiiinah i missed youuu "yoongi sighned  sadly
"Owww my Lil baby come here i missed you too " jimin said laughing
"Mmmm jimin you know mm what we talked about yesterday "yooni said already turning red
"What do you mean " jimin smirked
"Mm i mean ,Mmm ,h-how can i make jungkook mine " now suga added looking at his lap
"Well yoonie your in good hands come sit here next to me and i'll teach you " jimin tapped the place next to him .
Jimin crossed his leg now turning toward yoongi
"You know yoonie when two people love each other ,they do somethings to make their bond stronger , that's called desire and lust .of course it's not in brotherly way okay ,so basically you and your daddy need to do sexual things ,don't be ashamed it's not a sin and i assure you it would make you feel loved and free "jimin said
"But j-jimin i don't know how " yoongi pouted
"Okay first of all we have kissing and by it i mean French kiss not just a peck ,it's by using the tongue and believe  me it's like a dream if you do it with your loved one
.second,we have handjob and blowjob ;
Handjobs is when you palm his dick i mean his d area sorry ,and blowjobs is when you suck it mmm well like sucking ice cream or lollipop .
Then,we have sex ,in other terms losing your v card ,it's simply when he put his dick in your hole " jimin said laughing at the end in front of a embaressed yoongi
"Jiminaaaah stop laughing i'm serious here ,mm well sex hurts right ? " yoongi said keeping his pout
"Well to be honest at first it does ,but believe me he'll prep you well ,i mean look at him  he's a sucker for you dude he wouldn't harm you  ,plus it'll give you magical pleasure trust me " jimin added patting yoongi's shoulder
"Jiminah can you please give me a plan for tommorow ? I want to kiss daddy and you know feel him "yoongi said in one go squeezing his eyes in the process
"You Lil devil you're already horny for him " jimin smirked and yoongi nodded immedialtly being impatient
"Okay ,tommorow go to his office ,and when you walk in his cabin hug him and sit on his lap ,of course give him the most innocent gaze ,put your lips carefully on his neck and kiss it than make a little talk while moving slowly on his lap and don't forget look innocent like you really don't mean it "jimin said giving him a genius smile
"Okay  b-but What should i wear ?"suga asked
"I'll handle that and I'll give you a light make up so don't worry ,now move your ass ,take a shower then have a bite i made you some soup " jimin gave him a hug 

Time skips∆

At 8 in the morning yoongi opens the curtains ,closing his eyes slightly from the gold sun rays he went to the kitchen making a fast breaky  then  walked toward jimin's bed
"Morning jiminie baby wakie wakie i made you toast and juice "suga said caressing Jimin's face .
Jimin cursed the morning mood but still,made his way to the kitchen with yoonie since he has a soft spot for his bestie .
"Come on yoonie let's eat then i will pick an outfit for you while you shower okay? " jimin said slowly smiling brightly to yoongi who nodded happily and started eating
After finishing their meals they went to their tasks .
Yoongi showered ,did some skin care ,body oil and candy perfume then made his way to the bedroom
The outfit picked by jiminah was breathtaking but well a little bit revealing .to say yoongi is nervous would be a crime ,he was literally shivering and the questions kept haunting him ,what if jungkook didn't like the outfit ,what if he don't want him to be in the office ,what if he's not enough he scanned his self in the mirror pouting
"I'm still a guy ,they should be alot of girls drouling over him in the office ,would he choose one of them one day ?" He whispered but then shaked his thought picking his phone
To read jungkook's message or well let me say messages cuz jk literally contacts yoongi every hour to make sure his doing great .yoongi gazed at the screan smiling like a maniac for a straight 5 minutes then starts tapping

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