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(Km entertainment)
*jhope pov *

"Come on guys one more time ,it's not perfect yet ,crisscross then wave ,up and one two three and four five six " i shouted listening to the echo in the room
After a half hour they all were exhausted
"Good job everyone don't forget to practice harder even when i'm not around you have a tour next month " i added smiling to them generously
"Hobi we're going for some drinks tonight do you want to come along it would be so much fun to have you around sunshine " jeonghan said giving me his puppy eyes
"Owww i would love to buddy but i'm sorry i have a date tonight maybe another time okay " i said caressing his hair
Everyone was pouting like toddlers cuz i can't go with them except for one person who happens to be the love of my life ,yes i'm in love with an idol i know it's a fucked up situation but i just can't help falling for him .
he was glaring at me but why ?
scoups have always been kind to me ,gives me water ,his jacket when i'm cold ,chocolate whenever they come back from traveling
Well i guess that was all in my head. he's the leader so it's fair enough to be kind to others i mean it's not like i'm special .
I took my stuff and left sadly .
is he mad at me ?
*scoops pov *
"Broooo stop it ,if glaring was dangerous you would've killed him "jeonghan smirked
"Why would i ?"i said trying to look indifferent
"Mmmm so what do you think of hobi dating. i'm sure his partner would be superrrrr sexy ,don't you think scoopy " he added and i can tell he's just trying to tease me
"I don't know and i don't fucking care okay i'm off " i shouted angrily and walked out of the room
"Scoops ,you know i consider you family bro .please don't let the love of your life go away or you'll regret it ,here go to this address this is Hobi's home and i 'm sure he's so in love with you too  " jeonghan said catching my hand firmly
"I know his address Han ,i fucking know everything his favorite food ,flower ,drink.
literally everything ,and that hurts alot dude ,i just want him to embrace all the scars in my heart ,he's the cure
"Owww how lovely .let me say this dear scoopy you're head over heels for him ,so go ,make him yours " he said smiling

Hobi's house :
Scoops pov:

Here i am like a fool standing infront of his door ,am i this coward ? I can't even confess my feelings to the love of my life .
I rub my hands together ,sighting in annoyance
I knock the door softly ,and the most beautiful angel open it .i swear he will kill me with his visuals one day ,but why is he hiding his body
"Hello scoopy you want something ?" He said smiling
"You " i said leaning on the door
"I'm being serious scoopy "he added and i can feel that he's already tensing
"I never was this serious in my life you're my property and let me say this you won't go anywhere or i will kill your date " i said pouting
"Finally you confessed dude "he said
"What ?????? You knew ? " i shouted
"Of course i know everything ,my handsome stalker .and let me say this ,you remember the day i masturbated in the living room ,i did it on purpose so you can see me fucking my self clearly  ,i moaned higher ,i even squirted for you .and you remember all the revealing clothes i wore they were for you scoopy ,and believe me i know that you are literally drooling to taste me however i was afraid that i will one day harm you ,i mean you're an idol you can't date so i loved you from afar and i let you have all of me from afar ,i'm always yours ,and for today's date it was all a lie
.mmm and well since you're a good brave boy i have a surprise for you big boy " he said smirking then opened the door slowly revealing his body embraced by white lace panties
"God hobi you're not going to walk for days ,fuck i 'm going to thrust in you so hard to let you know who you belong to " i holded him in my arms kissing him like crazy ,i mean i was literally starving for years i deserve this
"Mmmm make me yours daddy " he sucked on my ear
"You've been a bad boy though i might punish you " i smirked in the kiss
"Mmmm yes daddy punish me " he smiled to me softly

Hello guys it's your author
Sorry for being late to update i hope you like this chapter please vote .
and for team top jhope sorry guys i'm team bottom so bear with it hahaha.
i love you guys please stay healthy and safe
And do anyone by chance watch bl and read bl manhwa here ????
let me know in the comments
Have a good day lovelies💜💜💜💜

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