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Hi babies this is mainly a smut .please vote if you like it .and yah ,stay safe and healthy bitches ,love youuuu.💜💜💜💜💜

"Jk's pov"

"Now tell me kitten ,who looked or talked to you here ?" I said already boiling inside
"I already made a friend here daddy ,yoonie is glad " he said showing me his cutie teeth i spanked his ass hardly
"Whoooooo dares to talk with you "i shouted angrily .
I looked at him and he was now looking down pouting so i spanked his butt again
"Words nowww " i shouted again
"D-daddy i was only being friendly ,you're a meanie to yoonie i'm not talking to you again ,you even got alot of workers trying to seduce you . you don't want me anymore do you ?" He said and i felt a ping in my heart why is my baby talking like this ,my eyes only see him he is my sunshine ,my bliss ,my all .maybe i should have controlled myself so i don't make him sad but he should learn his lesson
"You want me to show you who the fuck you belong to right ? How much i need you ,how much i controlled myself to not destroy your ass ,everytime i see you the love and lust kill me ,you're killing me yoonie every single day .
however ,i wanted to make it special i wanted for you to feel safe with me ,know how much i admire you ,i would do anything for you baby anything .but now you'll get your punishment cutie pie " i said huskily in his ear  scanning his features and he was all red my lovely cute baby
"Strip "i said coldly making my way to the door closing it .
I turned around and there he was the god of beauty how could an angel be this sexy ,his pale skin was begging to be marked .
he has a black lace panties on and that was it for me ,i could feel my pre cum .

he has a black lace panties on and that was it for me ,i could feel my pre cum

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(This is the lace panties guys )

"How naughty is my baby boy being ,i think i should punish him right ? Wearing lace panties to seduce his daddy ? "I smirked squeezing his plamp ass a little
"On your knees " i added
He blushed then did as i ordered him
"D-daddy yoonie watched alot of videos i will suck your d area like a lollipop don't worry " my baby said giving me a happy smile i guess what i said earlier made him happy ,i puled down my zipper setting my dick free and i could see my baby is choked now .
i guess he never saw a dick this size in the videos which made me remember i should punish him for watching those shitty things
"Suck " i said and he started sucking his tongue moving like magic from the tip to the balls .he started in a delicate soft way then fastening his pace ,i was literally in a daze i can't take it anymore .i pulled my length out of his mouth
"Open wide " i ordered when he did i spat in his mouth then returned my dick in  pulling his hair while fucking mouth in an animalistic speed
"Yeah you like this right kitten ,you like it when i fuck your mouth hard till you can't breath anymore ,good boy you are doing great my pie aaaah mmmm ye yes yes yes mmmm aaah it's warm here buried in your little naughty mouth ,listen if i ever see you watching those videos i will punish you hard ,this is the only dick you can see ,touch ,suck ,this is the only dick that fucks you and make you scream "i said moaning it felt like heaven  my eyes looked down and saw cum all over his panties ,he cummed just from sucking my dick
"You're being a cockslut right ? Cumming from sucking your daddy's dick what a good boy ,I'll continue fucking your mouth till i get satisfied " he  carried on deep throating me until i cum in his mouth
"Swallow your master 's cum then clean my dick with this useless tongue which keeps talking with other bastards called friends "he drinked all my milk looking straight in my soul with those puppy eyes
"Come here " i patted my lap and he runned to me i ordered him to wide split his ass cheeks and he did .
i started eating his ass and let me tell you it tastes just like fucking candy how could this be real ,i was moving my tongue like a hungry dog while he was moaning mess under me
"Aaaaah d_daddy please stop i'm going t-to pee i can't take it anymore " he stuttered moaning
"Yah just like that moan ,let them hear who you belong to moan moan for daddy my good boy " i said now spanking his ass
"Mmmm a -aaah daddy i'm yours please don't leave me ,i want you always buried In me i want to feel every inche of you " yoonie said
"Aaaaaah Aaaa mmmmmm yah yaaaaaah fuuuuuuuuuck daddyyyy" he moaned squirting all over the place a shiver runned through my spine seing the scene .
I fastly captured his lips kissing them with lot of lust and hunger our tongues danced together in love rythms and i could hear my own heart beats from here
"D-daddy i love you i'm sorry i made you angry but i just wanted to surprise you " yoonie said hugging me
"look baby i want you to know that you are mine ,you should pick your friends i mean don't get friendly with all the people out there ,and don't wear revealing clothes ever again  cuz i can't let anyone see this beauty .
all of this is my love for you ,i love you baby i love youu" i said kissing his forehead
"We're not doing it today baby don't worry .i promised that it would be special cutie so be patient" i added caressing his lips
"I'm sorry daddy yoonie promise he'll be a good boy from now on don't worry"he said smiling widly
"Come here kitten let's go take a shower than eat something " i said picking him bridal style while i walked to the bathroom .

i promised that it would be special cutie so be patient" i added caressing his lips "I'm sorry daddy yoonie promise he'll be a good boy from now on don't worry"he said smiling widly "Come here kitten let's go take a shower than eat something " i s...

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(My cute babyyyyyy is here )

I hope you liked it guys. if you do make sure to vote ,love youuuuuu stay safe .and please stream jungkook's solo tommorow i can tell it's legendary already💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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