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Hello guys your author is here .hope your doing well .i wanna ask you ,what do you think of jk's album it's legendaryyyyyyyyyyyy ommmmmmmmmg i'm literally screaming .anyways i hope you like this chapter ,please vote 💜💜💜

Yoongi's pov :

I felt like i was embraced in a comforting warmth ,i slightly opened my eyes as i looked up seing the most beautiful sight in the universe ,my muscular bunny is laying next to me his hands wrapped around my waist ,i blushed remembering what happened yesterday ,the way he made me feel like i'm in a whole other world like all the flowers seemed bright around me ,the way he treated me like a delicate prince after our heated session ,he bathed me softly while showering me with kisses and caressings ,he didn't even let me walk ,i'm so glad to have him .he is the only luster in my life .

I caressed his tattoos softly then i looked down to his lips  bitting my lower lip in the process ,i kissed his nose smiling

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I caressed his tattoos softly then i looked down to his lips  bitting my lower lip in the process ,i kissed his nose smiling .
But he immediately woke up giving me the most innocent laughter in the world showing his bunny teeth

"Daddyyyy stop teasing me " i whined "Morning my beautiful little angel ,did you sleep well " he gave me a kiss on the lip "Morning daddy ,yes yoonie slept well ,mmm i-in your embrace ,it's so warm "i kissed his chest "Owww my gorgeous prince bein...

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"Daddyyyy stop teasing me " i whined
"Morning my beautiful little angel ,did you sleep well " he gave me a kiss on the lip
"Morning daddy ,yes yoonie slept well ,mmm i-in your embrace ,it's so warm "i kissed his chest
"Owww my gorgeous prince being shameless hahah come here let's cuddle some more then i'll make breaky ,so your little tummy be satisfied "he said making me blush
"Mmm d-daddy yoonie is sorry for his sharp words yesterday ,i love youuuuu and no one elese and i'll always do "i kissed his chest one more time
"Look at me yoonie,i love you more than anything okay ,i may be strict sometimes but that's because i adore every inch of you and i just can't handle being jealous baby ,when i saw you wearing those clothes i thought that i might die you looked stunning honey but then my blood boiled the thought of other people seing you made me go crazy .and i didn't punish you hard yesterday cutie pie so please don't make me angry or i might punish you harder "he said in a tender way
"D-daddy yoonie adoreeeeee you ,i promise i will be a good boy ,yoonie is your good boy only "i added smiling
"I know baby i know "he caressed my cheeks
"Daddy yoonie hate those who try to seduce you ,you're only mine ,you can only make me feel good ,you can only make me feel beautiful ,i'm the only one you can kiss and well mmm do the things we did yesterday "i pouted hiding my face in his neck
"Hahaha my lovely kitten being all pouty and jealous,honey you are my only one ,i don't even remember their names but i know every little thing about you , i adore every inch in you ,and those naughty things we did yesterday are just made for you my prince ,be ready for the real deal in the perfect moment " he smirked squeezing my butt softly making me moan
"Aaah daddy i love you i love you i looooove you " i added showering him with kisses
"Hahah come let's go eat " he laughed
"But i'm only wearing mmm p-panties and you are with with nothing daddy yoonie  wouldn't let anyone see you like this only yoonie is allowed "i stuttered
"Hahah ewww kitten stop being jealous ,it's only us here ,i sent all of the maids and my brothers are abroad how can i let anyone see you like this baby "he kissed me and went to wear a boxer than held me bridal style to the kitchen
"Now baby tell me what do this tummy wants "he gave me the brightest smile
"Daddy yoonie wants pancackes and hot chocolate " i pouted giving him my puppy eyes

and i didn't punish you hard yesterday cutie pie so please don't make me angry or i might punish you harder "he said in a tender way"D-daddy yoonie adoreeeeee you ,i promise i will be a good boy ,yoonie is your good boy only "i added smiling "I kn...

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(How cuuuuute right jk coocking )

*time skips*
I scanned every little movement he did ,how sexy ,how beautiful ,how gorgeouuuuuus lord please save me ,i just couldn't help coeing at him so i walked toward him and hugged him from behind Kissing his back and caressing his chest
"My naughty kitten ,i'm already hard ,stop teasing or i might do alot of exhausting things to you now ,i would love to .my cute puppy .but you have interesting classes to attend "he said turning around kissing my nose softly
But i had another plan i turned the fire off and went up on my  toes  Looking right in his eyes
"D-daddy you're not the only one who is hard here ,yoonie feels sooo good when he's with you ,can't you tell how hard i am "i whispered rubbing my dick on his leg
"Fuuuck kitten you're being wild ,let me show you how i'll tame you "he smirked biting his lower lip
"No daddy today your kitten will take care of you " i went on my knees still looking at his eyes innocently ,then slowly taking his underwear with my teath smiling when his dick hit me on the lips hardly
"Daddy i didn't tell you that i want something salty to drink right ? Well let me tell you now that what i swallowed yesterday was the favorite flavour ever .can you please let your kitten drink your milk " i said pouting
"Open your mouth "he ordered but when i did he entered my mouth in a rush taking my hair in his hands and started fucking my mouth in an animalistic speed hitting my throat making me gagg
"Naughty kitten you like your daddy's dick ,you love the way i fuck your mouth didn't you ,aaaaah mmm i want to fuck you already kitten i want you aaaah eeeeh "he moaned fucking my mouth harder and i cummed in my panties he kept thrusting till he hit his climax and cummed in my mouth pulling his dick out and i swallowed it all
"Mmmm daddy it's the tastiest thing ever "i i said cleaning his dick with my tongue then going to his balls sucking it
"Naughty kids get punished ,your chest on the counter hands behind your back now " i quickly did and he started spanking me hardly i was a moaning mess under him i loved it
"Daddy mmmmm aaaah a-aaah daddy i 'm sorry " i moaned
"You teased me and you cummed in your panties without permission like a prevert tell me are you this naughty " he gave me the last spank than started eating my hole ,he kept sucking and moaning giving me the magic pleasure
"Aaaaaah pleaseeee daddy let me cum please a-aaaaah" i sobbed already feeling the climax building in my stomach , he suddenly pulled his tougue and i whinned
"Look kitten i'll suck your dick but if you cum before 3 minutes i'll punish you "he said huskily and i nodded quickly .
He started sucking me ,mmmm and his tongue worked like magic it was the hardest 3 minutes but i controlled my self than cummed in his mouth and he swallowed it
"Mmmm good boy you did a great job ,even your cum is sweet "he said kissing my nose and i was a blushing mess
"Come baby let me give you something to eat and then bath you my naughty shy kitten "he laughed

Time skips:
After the shower and breakg he took me to the academy and yoonie was sooooo glaaad but terrified of the motorcycles ,but if i'm with my daddy then i'm feeling safe ,i hugged him tightly from behind exhaling his addicting perfume

Time skips:After the shower and breakg he took me to the academy and yoonie was sooooo glaaad but terrified of the motorcycles ,but if i'm with my daddy then i'm feeling safe ,i hugged him tightly from behind exhaling his addicting perfume

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(Here is the pic guys )

Guys please vote ,and stay healthy .love youuuuuuuu 💜💜💜💜

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