🍭pouty angel🍭

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Hellooooo your author is finally here i'm sorry for being late love youuuu remember we are all beautiful in our unic way so please love yourself and stay healthy .and yeah please vote and comment for me to know that you're interested ❤❤❤❤❤❤✨

Jk pov:

Never was i a morning person ,yet here i am opening the curtains of my room ,having a cold bath ,wearing something chic as usual ,then i went downstairs where the maids are waiting for me

Never was i a morning person ,yet here i am opening the curtains of my room ,having a cold bath ,wearing something chic as usual ,then i went downstairs where the maids are waiting for me

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{This is his outfit}

"Hi sir your breakfast is ready "one of them said
"I'm on a hurry " i said walking away without looking at any of them
I hopped on my car and went to my kitten's academy .
When i arrived i walked in quickly every one was staring at me and whispering ,i already got used to it ,i mean people drooling over me
"Omgggg girl look daddy is a total snack "
"I want him to punish me hardddd "
"Daddy please choke me , torture me "
"I'll be your slave forever"
"I can cum by just looking at him "
"God i'm hard bro I'll turn gay just for him suddenly i want a dick in me "
"Does he have a gf here ?"
I was listening to all their talking disgused .but it all vanished when i saw my baby kitty .his hair tidy and parted apart,his eyes doe and shiny holding alot of passion in them ,his glossy red lips pouting cuz he was trying to figure out the movements ,"god how cute" i thought then my eyes travelled to his body ,arms showing alot of skills moving like waves swaying in my ribs,his tiny waist embraced by his small shirt ,that fluffy ass with the tight wear making him like a royal prey .and that made me furious how could i let anyone see that .i badly wanted to break in and tell all of them that he's mine , give him some lose trousers to wear and bidding him but i holded my anger in ,i can't embarrass him and make him look tiny infront his classmates .i'm gonna deal with him later,after this shitty class ends .fuuuuuuck i'm going crazy if anyone looks at him i'm going to kill them .
I took my phone and called someone
"V can ballet male dancers wear baggy trousers while training " i said annoyed
"How the fuck should i know "he said
"Make some search " i said
"No " he added
"Come on dude please i don't have time " i said
"But i'm busy i can't du.."he said
"I'll buy you a vintage saxophone " i interapted him
"Deal " he said laughing
Seing my suga walking out of the training room i cut the call .
When he saw me he gave me that damn breath taking smile while running to me
"D-daddy "he whispered stuttering
"Yes honey " i said and he immediately looked in my eyes with doe eyes
"Was yoonie a bad boy ?" He said playing with the hem of his shirt
"Look at me baby ,what are you saying this ?" I said concerned
"T-then why didn't daddy hug yoonie ?" He said pouting
"Owww love this is the last time you say this okay ? You don't know how i suffered from holding back i want to hug you kiss you and let all of this bastards know that you belong only to me and that you're my priority but i didn't want to make you uncomfortable honey .now come here " i said hugging him tightly and holding him bridal style and he was all red in shyness
"Da-daddy don't say bad words it's a sin " he said hitting my chest lightly
Yoongi pov:
Boys and girls were glaring at me but i didn't care i felt safe between his big tattooed arms i closed my eyes breathing his classy perfume and rubbing my cheeks on his chest and when we walked out the gate i looked up at him how can a person be this hot
"Daddy where are we going you didn't tell yoonie" i said pouting but suddenly he kissed my pout
"We're going to a ballet shop babe but first we'll eat something on the way "he said putting me on the car .the ride was so warm ,he was driving and i was mesmerized by his beauty ,like magic it made my heart skip a beat and when he turned his head to look at me i blushed
"Like what you see" he said laughing
"You're a meanie "i crossed my arm on my chest
"Sorry love i couldn't ignore your cuteness i admire it "he said kissing my palm
We arrived to the restaurant and i glued to him so the girls don't flirt with him i mean he's mine isn't he plus i'm older i need to protect him
He picked a table and made me sit there then he went to the restroom

Jungkook pov:

"What's up bitch "i said
"Good and you " he mocked
"V i'm serious here "i said already annoyed
"Hahaha ok ok .so apperantly males who do ballet weare tight things like tight leggings and worst bro tight shorts and by saying short i mean really revealling ones and yeah they say it's art and stuff "he said and my blood was boiling
"Art my ass he's not wearing that shit outdoors ,my baby is only allowed to wear it with me at home where there is no one beside us "i said gritting my teeth
"Bro chill , i didn't finish my words ,there are some of them who wear baggy pants  " he said
"Ok bye ' i ended the call
I left the wc and marched toward him
"Baby boy did you make your order " i said caressing his hair while kissing his forehead
"Yesh but yoonie didn't know what you like to eat "he said
"Something sweet " i said
"Waffles or ice cream "he said with doe eyes
"You "i said smirking he blushed
"But daddy i'm not an ice cream " he said innocently
"True cuz my baby is the sweetest "i added cupping his face and kissing his nose
"D-daddy is the s-sweetest in the whooooooooooole world  "he said shyly opening  his arm
"Hahahaha my cute kitten "i said laughing .
The food came we ate and here we are in the ballet shop
"Good evening sir how can i help you "a lady in her 40ties said
"I would like to see ballet stuff for males "i said coldly
"No tight things "i added firmly
"What tight things ?" My baby said
"What? I'm not letting anyone see my baby with revealing things  that's only mine to see .or I'll pull all their eyes off ,understood honey you're a good boy aren't you? "i said and he smiled shyly turning all red
"Yoonie is a good boy for daddy " he said kissing my cheek
"Mrs give me all this stuff we're taking them" i said smiling

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