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Reese arrives at the familiar house in the woods that brings back so many memories. She knocks on the door and enters before there's an answer. Jasper is the first one to come to the door, "I could smell you for miles" Jasper says. Reese runs into his arms jumping up and making him embrace her. Jasper is not one to be affectionate but when it comes to Reese he's a different person.

"Must be the animal blood" Reese says mockingly and Jasper rolls his eyes. Reese sniffs and looks back at Jasper with confusion etched on her face. "Where's the bean?" Reese asks, referring to Bella because she's human. "Oh yeah, you've missed a lot" Jasper starts to tell her but is cut off.

"Well looky here" Rose says walking in and straight towards Reese. "Hi Rose" Reese says lovingly as she pulls her into her arms. "Let's take you to the others to get introduced" Rose says dragging Reese up the stairs. Once there, she meets everyone and sees the new and improved Bella. "Finally cuffed her huh? Here for life... you should've run" Reese says jokingly. Edward scoffs and Bella laughs, at least she still has a good sense of humor.

"Reese?" she hears a surprised voice call out and doesn't even have to turn around to recognize who it is. "Esme" Reese smiles widely and turns running to her and lifting her up. She twirls the woman around before gently setting her down. "Haven't aged a day I see" Reese compliments, knowing the double meaning. "Very funny, you either" Esme replies. Just then Reese gets a call from Cordelia and leaves to answer it.

Hey Harley

Are you on your way there?

I'm Uhh, I'm here

You're already there?!

I left as soon as I talked to you and I drive quite fast

But it's only been a few hours no

It's been like 10 hours, Cordelia

Don't call me that

Sorry witchy, but that's your name

I know but it feels weird to hear you say it

Ok well I- (REESE!)

Rose yells through the house trying to get her to end her phone call as they're starting the meeting.

Who's that? Doesn't sound like a sick aunt...

That's my cousin, my aunts daughter. She's probably calling to get me to take over so she can leave. I just got here so I haven't done anything yet

Oh ok... well I guess you gotta go then

Unfortunately yes, but as soon as I get everything sorted and settled in I'll call you

Ok talk to you later

Bye bye

Reese hung up and hurried so she wouldn't miss much of the meeting. While she was listening intently to the plan they had thought out, Cordelia was overthinking. She did trust Reese although she was still kind of a stranger. There was no hesitation in Reese's voice when she said that it was her cousin so she was telling the truth right? She had no reason to doubt her but on the other hand, she had no reason to trust her.

She just up and left all of a sudden with no timeframe for when she was to return. Cordelia desperately wanted to believe her but a part of her still doubted everything. Since it was morning already, she decided to do some paperwork before teaching her classes. She tried her hardest to just distract herself so she wouldn't worry. It was always at the back of her mind but Reese did say she would call back. Maybe she could ask her more then...

They finished up the meeting and Reese felt overloaded with information. While the others hunted, she went to her room and called Cordelia. Her voice always seemed to center the brunette and just keep her levelheaded. She rang but there was no answer, she figured she was busy. After all, she wouldn't just be waiting for her call.

Instead, Reese decided to go for a run to clear her head and get some air. She had stopped on a cliff overlooking the valley filled with snow. It's amazing how different the weather is here, like the polar opposite. As she was just amazed by the snow, her phone rang.

She struggled to get it out of her pocket but eventually managed. A smile spread on her face when she realized who it was and she quickly answered.


Are you ok? You sound winded

Yeah I'm fine, just went for a run

Oh ok... I was just calling you back. Sorry I missed your call, I was teaching

It's ok. I figured you were busy but I did promise to call back and I don't break promises

Well I'm glad you did... it's nice to hear your voice

Likewise. I actually have some time to myself now

Shouldn't you be at the house with your aunt?

She can handle an hour or so, she won't die haha

Is humor your coping mechanism or something?

Way to point out my faults, witchy

It was just an observation haha

Well yes, it is, but seriously she'll be fine if you're worried. I fed her and she was just falling asleep when I left

Ok that's good

Yep. But how are you? Missing me already?

Of course. It's so... boring without you here but other than that same old same old

Awww I miss you too. Hopefully this goes fast and I can get back soon


What?! I'm not saying I want her to die! I mean I hope she gets better or someone else can watch her

Ok I was about to say... me too cause I really do miss you and also-

And also?

Well I wanted to ask you something


It's not that I don't trust you...

But you don't trust me. That's understandable, what's your question

Is your aunt really sick or are you... are you-

With someone else?


No. I'm not with anyone else

I'm so sorry I even asked you probably think-

Just relax Dee. I don't think anything, I'm just amazed at how you know everything

What do you mean?

My aunt isn't sick... there was some other business I had to tend to. I couldn't exactly tell you what it was and I still can't. With that being said I don't expect you to trust me but what I can say is this. It's like your witch business, I don't know much and I don't ask. Can you handle that?

Of course, I understand... will you tell me eventually?

When the time is right, of course. I want to tell you everything it's just...



With a newfound understanding of each other, the two converse freely. Letting all inhibitions to the wind and talking about their days, well mostly Cordelia. But Delia felt a lot better having got that off her chest and not feeling paranoid. She still didn't know what it was exactly but to hear something that sounded truly true felt great. She knew Reese would tell her when she was ready and she wouldn't push her.

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