Late Night Swims

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I was studying for a stupid history quiz when a the same rat ran back on my bed.

Ophelia jumped of my bed screaming while Dora was trying to catch the 'cutie'. I scooped him up and saw he had another note tied to him.

Meet us behind the boy's dorm in 5 minutes. You can bring the girls if their interested.
- the Rulers
P.S. H really wants HER to come so try to get HER to come.

I smile and look up, "Hey, girls. Want to come with me to meet up with the boys?"

"YES!" Dora groaned and picked up the rat. "I need an excuse not to study."

"Amen!" Ophelia said and stepped away from Dora.

"By the way Lav," she looked up at me from petting the rat. "Huey really is looking foreword to you coming." We all raised our eyebrows teasingly.

She blushed, "Oh, shut up! What about you and Luc, huh?" The girls nodded. "Yeah, you both are smitten and blind."

I scoffed, "Luc is just a friend! Besides Lenny would freak out if I liked him." Although Luc is definitely hot, not that I was going to admit that to them.

"Sure..." Ophelia nodded slowly and squinted at me. I think she's trying to look into my soul.

We go past the guard, who is always asleep, and see the boys holding towels.

"Who's rat is this?" Lav asks. She wanted a turn holding him so she was now petting him.

"Mine." Huey whispered. "It's name is Crackers." He grabs him and blushes when his fingers brush Lav's. "Go to bed." He sets him down and the little rat goings running off.

"Since when do you have a rat?" I asked once we started to walk.

"I found her four years ago in my second year here." He stepped over a fallen branch. "Aaron and Luc had just began their first year here, and I left some string chesse open. I went to grab it and found Crackers eating so I named her Crackers because of Chesse and Crackers."

Lav watched him dreamily from behind. I shook my head.

I ran into Luc and realized we had stopped. The school gate-wall was now in front of us.

"What are we doing here?" Dora asked with her eyebrows raised.

Lenny smirked at her, "Climbing it of course."

Ophelia gasped, "I'm not exactly a rule follower but the biggest rule is to not leave without permission. We could get expelled!"

Lenny shrugged, "Do you want to go swimming or not?"

I looked over at him, "No one said we were swimming."

"Is it a problem?" Aaron said quietly.

Ophelia groaned, "I can't swim!"

Lenny walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder, "I can hold you if you want." He winked with a flirty smirk.

Ophelia scoffed and pushed his arm off, "No thanks. I'd rather sleep with the fishes." Lenny was about to say something but Ophelia turned to me, "Sammy, please come detain your brother before I make sure you're never an aunt." She walked behind me and stuck her younger out from over my head at Lenny.

Lenny grabbed my face and shoved me aside. I almost fell but Luc caught me.

"You know the more you resist me the more I'll come after you." Lenny walked over and put a strand of hair behind her ear.

She huffed and brushed pash him with a twinge of redness across her cheeks. "Whatever."

I saw Lenny mouth 'It's working!' to Luc and Luc just put his face in his hands.

The boys showed us the finger and foot grips the carved into the wall and we began climbing. Ophelia kept asking if they'd ever been caught to which Lenny responded no with a wink.

Me and the others waited for Lenny to help Ophelia down. He offered his hand, so she slapped it away and got down by herself.

We followed Aaron through a bunch of trees. In a large clearing was a beautiful blue lake. Lightning bugs flew around us and Ophelia sat on some chairs the boys had left previously.

Luc put the towels on one of the four chairs, took of his shirt, and jumped in the pool. Huey and Aaron followed whooping. Lav and Dora laughed, they took of their pajama bottom, left on their tops, and jumped in after.

Lenny and I joined them after making sure Ophelia was comfortable. I kept glancing back at Luc every five seconds, why did he have to take his shirt off?

Dora noticed and swam over to me. "I bet you're thinking 'Oh, my gosh! He's hot, muscular, loves music, is totally whipped for me, and tall! How perfect!' wait how tall is he- LUC!" He turned at the sound of his name. "How tall are you?" I slapped my forehead.

"6'5..." he said like a question. "Why?"

"No reason." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'm 6'2!" Huey shouts before Aaron dunks his under water.

"No one cares!" Arron pouted.

"How tall are you?" Lav asked Aaron.

"Its rude to ask a man his height!" Lav raised an eyebrow. "6 foot flat." He muttered.

Everyone looked at Lenny.

"So Lenny," Ophelia began. "how tall are you?"

"How tall are you, huh?" He asked back.

"5'10. Now answer the question, shorty."

He stood up and walked over to her. He bent down and whispered in her ear, just loud enough for us to hear, "Tall enough for you, baby." In one big swoop he picked her up bridal style.

She screamed. Loud. "PUT ME DOWN LENARD!"

He stopped once his legs were under the water. "My actual name isn't Lenard."

"It isn't?"

"No, it's Lennox."


He jumped the rest of the way in with her. When he came back up she clung to him like a cat. He patted her back and she buried her face in his neck.

"Was that so bad, Ophelia dear?" She wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her face deep into his neck.

"Please don't let me go."

"I won't." He kissed the side of her head. "And I'm 5'11 also."

The rest of the night Lenny and Ophelia made everyone else feel single. Lenny held her close and she smiled while holding him. I was surprisingly okay with it. Maybe because it made them happy or maybe because that's what I wish Luc would do.

Crap. The girls were right. I like Luc.... I hate when they are right.

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