A Unexpected Meeting

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Applejack's P.O.V. (point of view)

I just got into school and started walking to my locker, I saw my lil' sis, Applebloom with her two friends; Sweetie belle and scooterloo. I smiled at her and she waved at me. I carried on walking and finally got to my locker, thankfully my locker is next to my big brothers; Big Macintosh. He was late to school as always and as I was early I decided to wait for him here.

When he finally arrived I shouted at him to get his attention.

"Howdy Big Mac."

"Howdy Applejack, how ya doing?"

"I'm mighty fine big Bro." He smiled and nodded agreeing with me.

"What lesson ya'll got first sis?" I looked at my timetable for the day. Hmmmm.

"Looks like I've got mathematics."I smiled at him and the bell rang. He smiled and got his stuff and I grabbed my books, closed my locker and left for class.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V

I was majorly early to school today, mainly because the WonderColts had a early practice. Their captain, Soaring, was the best soccer player ever r r r! !!. He was my idol, he was fast, incredible and 20 percent more cooler than I ever could be. Ever year I try out for the team but I'm not as awesome as them, I mean hell, I'm more awesome than anyone else at this dumb school. But if your a Wondercolt player then your more awesome and I don't say that about a lot of people.

Now I'm not a non-awesome people person because I only and I mean ONLY, hang out with the team, see I may not part of the team but I'm helpful, like a roadie for a band is, that's basically what I do. When I finally got to the pitch I was late, I'm never late, damn skateboard breaking. I sighed and decided to go to my locker and grab my books for stupid math, uggg math is only for eggheads, not for awesome people like me.

Anyway, I was on my way to math when I was speed walking while listening to Vinal Scratches new c-d, she was a student but she made awesome remixes and even made demos, which because I'm awesome, I listen to them. I was obviously not looking where I was going and hit something, or someone and next thing I knew I was on my butt on the floor.

"Heeey what where your going next time!!!" I rubbed my head as I started to get a massive stinging pain, our heads must have collided together.

"What ya'll mean watch where I'm going, why don't ya'll watcj where your going."I reconise that voice, it's that stupid redneck cowgirl, I mentally facepalmed, why her why not Soaring, or, or, Spitfire. Nooooo had to be the cowgirl. I got up and brushed myself off she was looking down at me looking pissed off.

"Why are you looking at me like that huh?" I was starting to get pissed off as well.

"I want ya'll to apologise, then move out of my way!!"

"But you walked into me!!"

"Whatever I'm late for class." With that she walked into the maths room. Great she has maths with me uggg can this day get by worse.

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