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Applejack's P.O.V

That Rainbow person is now sitting next to me, I can't belive she would even make me say sorry in the first place I didn't bump into here. As I was doing my work I glanced at the girl and noticed her copying my work, so I turned to my side, front facing her and put the back of my work to her so she couldn't see. I smirked to myself as she couldn't see me but I herd her sigh and she put her pen down.

I put my hand on her shoulder and the teacher was having problems with Derpy again, so she left the class with Derpy leaving us alone.

"You ok sugarcube?"I asked the Rainbow girl sweetly as her head was on the table.

"No I don't understand maths." She mumbled and I couldn't understand.

"I'm sorry sugarcube but I didn't quite get that." She slowly lifted her head and looked at me.

"I'm said I don't understand maths, I'm not a egghead." She sighed and thumped her head on the table in frustration.

"Hey sugarcube, it's ok I can help u if ya'll want." She looked up at me and shook her head.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V

I looked up at the country girl shocked.

"Why would you want to help me for." She looked at me sighed.

"Because I'm a honest and nice person that's why, and ya'll know your not a egghead if ya'll good at maths right." I looked at her still slightly confused. She sighed.

"What I still understand is why you're helping me?" She shook her head.

"You know what if you don't want my help then I won't give it to you." I sighed and saw her go back to work with her book facing me so I couldn't copy her, I rested my head on the table and herd who I thought was Soaring talking to me.

"Hey Dash you ok man you fell off you're chair." I looked up and saw; Soaring, Spitfire, Derpy and the country girl standing above me, I saw my chair was on its back, seems I dozed off and fell backwards, though I can't remember.

"Oh yeah, never better I'm awesome thanks Soaring." He helped me up and I felt myself starting to blush and the bell just went. I legged it out of the room to my locker, it was lunchtime, time to practice soccer and skateboarding.


The picture is them if they were all geeks

Panda xx

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