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Applejack's P.O.V

I saw that speedy teenager rush out the classroom, so I slowly walked out myself. I walked to my locker and saw that same speedy teenager skating in school she nearly hit me, AGAIN!! Ugg this has been one rough day. Anyway, I got to my locker and pulled out my lunch, it was a nice day today so I decided to sit outside to eat my lunch. Big Mac and the Cutie Mark Cusaders, that's Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie belle to you and me, but they like their group name so that's what we call them, well anyway they joined me on my table and we ate lunch together.

I was happily munching on my apple when all of a sudden I herd a crowd cheer and roar and I saw her, why did I keep seeing her it's like I'm intrested in her, which I'm not, I may be a lesbian but I'm not intrested in her, she knows nothing bout me and isn't intrested in what I am intrested in. I just sat looked away and ate my apple.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V

I raced to my locker too embarrassed to see Soaring or,or, that country girl, why was I even thinking about her, I'm straight for Celestia's sake, I'd never ever be intrested in a girl, especially a country girl, I would need a cool and awesome girlfriend someone like Spitfire, but like I said, I'm straight so yeah. Anyway, I went to my locker and gabbed my board and skated though school to get outside. I finally got outside and started doing tricks and grinding rails, a crowd started to form around me. I looked over and saw the country girl, w-with SCOOTALOO. What the hay is going on here. I stared at here grinding at the same time, I saw her look me dead in the eyes and I felt somthing weird in my chest. No I can't like her never. Scoot then glanced at me smiled mimed sorry. I smiled looked away and carried on till the bell went.


Hey guys sorry this chapter is short.


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