Ch 12: Feeling Included

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1 day until the sports festival.

“Are you sure your ready for the sports festival?” A tall blonde third year said. 

“Not you guys too,” Kazuki whined. 

“It's not that we doubt you Kazuki. We just worry for you.” A tall shy third year student said. 

“Yea.” The blonde third year said. “We totally believe in you! Cant help but worry about what might happen.”

“Mirio, Tamaki,” Kazuki said softly from where he was sitting on the rooftop of UA. “I have to do this. I have to prove to everyone that I am so much more than my illness. I won't be limited by it anymore. It has gotten a lot better in the last couple years.”

“Well we will be cheering for you Kazuki!” Mirio said. He was doing weird exercise movements on the roof. 

“Just don't push yourself beyond your limits.” Tamaki said. “It's only a sports festival.”

“It's a gateway to a new beginning.” Kazuki said. “Maybe my own brother will stop being overprotective and actually believe in me.” He sighed. “So many people are against me competing. Even my own parents, but they don't say it. I'm just tired of being seen as weak.”

“Kazuki, you're not weak,” Mirio said as he stood up straight. “You are probably one of the strongest first years UA has this year.”

“He isn't wrong Kazuki,” Tamaki agreed. “Even without surviving your illness, you are one of the top candidates this year.”

“Thanks guys,” Kazuki smiled. “I don't care if you guys worry but the most important thing is that you support me. That's what I need from people.”

“We will always support you Kazuki,” Tamaki said. 

“Thats what friends are for,” Mirio smiled his big smile. 


It was the day of the sports festival and the twins had their biggest fight yet over Kazuki competing and also keeping secrets. 

“ I don't have to tell you everything and you're not my goddamn boss!” was the last thing Kazuki yelled at his brother before stomping out the door early. 

Though now Katsuki was sitting in the ante room and Kazuki had yet to show up. “That damn bastard.” he grumbled as his leg bounced. “Talks all kind of shit about wanting to compete and then is fucking late.”

“He will be here.” Kirishima told him. “I'm sure of it.” Katsuki wouldn't admit it out loud especially at school in front of the extras, but he missed how close he and Kazuki were before coming here. He missed having his partner in crime.  They had been at odds since the USJ and then the sports festival being announced. Kazuki just wouldn't admit his own weakness or when he needed help. 

“He better have a good explanation for being late,” Katsuki growled. 

“Maybe I just didn't want to be around your sorry ass,” Kazuki said walking up behind Katsuki.

“Goddamn it Kazuki,” Katsuki growled as he stood up and faced his brother. 

“Where the fuck have you been!?” Katsuki yelled. 

“Wherever I wanted to be,” Kazuki said without care. “I actually have friends.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Katsuki grumbled.

“Means I recognize others' strength and don't deem everyone beneath me,” Kazuki said. “Unlike you with everyone around you, including myself. All these years and all this training and you still see me as a damn weakling. Well today I will no longer stand to be just in your shadow. I'm stronger than you think I am.”

“I've never once called you weak,” Katsuki said. 

“Not in those words,” Kazuki said. “But constantly asking me to quit the sports festival tells me how you really feel. Don't forget, actions speak louder than words. Today my actions will show you im no weakling.”


Both Kazuki and Katsuki were called up as the hero department representatives for getting first place in the entrance exam. 

“Im going to win!” They both said together into the microphone. Then gave each other a glare. They walked off the stage and split up. Each standing on the opposite side of Kirishima. 

“You two are so Manly,” Kirishima cried as he stood there. “But you kind of put targets on your back.”

“Bring it on,” Kazuki and Katsuki said at the same time. Kazuki rolled his eyes and looked away. They were too much alike at some times. 

The first event was announced as an obstacle race. “Peace of cake.” Kazuki told himself.  

Kazuki took off and easily got past many of his opponents. The temperature suddenly dropped and Kazuki knew to jump. 

“Cant get me with that IcyHot!” Kazuki called out with a laugh as he flipped and flew through the air using his quirk to blast him forward. He grinned when Todoroki glanced back and over at him. 
Kazuki hit the ground again and kept running forward while still using his explosions. He managed to keep just a head of his brother for now. 

Kazuki had to swerve quick when he almost got hit by a zero bot. “Oh hello” Kazuki grinned. He had been the only other student to take one of these things down in the entrance exam. He quickly climbed up to behind one of their heads. He busted open a panel. “Guess they should have redesigned them.” He managed to hack into the bots program and get it to start attacking the other bots. He grinned and jumped off blasting forward. He had gotten a bit behind but he wasn't worried about getting first place here. He didn't need to win the first two events, as long as he passed on to the last round. He was conserving the bulk of his strength for the final event. 

Getting over the ditch in the ground  and minefield were simple. He just flew over them. The minefield he did a bit of running and managed to snake the fifth spot. His twin was third, so he wasn't too far ahead. 

Kazuki glanced up at the screens and saw people having trouble with the zero bots even though one was rampaging around attacking other bots instead of contestants. Granted he didn't do it to make anything easier on anyone else. 

Kazuki jogged over to Todoroki. “Nice one IcyHot. Congrats on 2nd place.”

“Why are you over here?” Todoroki asked. “I thought i made myself clear in the beginning Im not here to make friends.”

“Yea well I do what I want not what people tell me too.” Kazuki grinned. “Besides, I don't think you really meant that.” Todoroki just shook his head but he was a little impressed with the boy. 

“Well see ya later,” Kazuki grinned and jogged over to Midoirya. 

“Izu! Congrats on first place!”   Kazuki shouted from behind the green top. 

“Holy Crap!” Midoirya yelled as he jumped. “Kazuchan you startled me.”

“More like I almost made you wet yourself,” Kazuki chuckled. 

“You're in a giddy mood today.” Midoriya commented. 

“I'm just excited to be competing,” Kazuki said. “I never really got to throughout first and secondary school. This is fun.”

Midoirya couldn't help but smile at how happy Kazuki was. He always remembered the sickly boy sitting out when they had sports competitions or festivals because of his condition. Midoirya knew how he felt to finally feel included. Midoriya nodded.  “It is fun.”


And that's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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