Chapter Two

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"Here it is!" Their grandma said as she made her way back over to them.

"How come you been gone so long, grandma?" Sophie asked.

"Oh you know, one thing and another." Their grandma paused before continuing. "But the important thing is that I'm here now. And I'm so glad to see you." She said while grabbing the kid's chins and squeezing their cheeks. Kissing Marnie and Melanie each on the cheek.

"Come on, come on. C'mon, C'mon!" She said, leading the way into the living room. Sophie and Melanie following her.

Inside the living room, Aggie had sat her bag down on a table and opened it. Revealing the thing to be full of candy.

"Eureka!" Aggie shouted as she opened the bag and pulled out a decorative skeleton.

"Candy!" Sophie said as Marnie and Dylan joined them.

"That's the spirit!" Aggie said as the kids looked through the bag. "Let's put on our bikini's and go swimming in it. And then we'll put up the decorations, so we can get this party started!"

"Look. Grandma dressed up for Halloween." Sophie said after their grandmother removed her cloak.

"What?" Aggie asked, as she looked down at her clothes. "Oh, yes! Of course I did. I always do!"

She soon pulled a ring of garlic out of her bag, and sent Sophie to hang it on the doorknob. Claiming that it, "Annoys the vampires."

"This bag defies logic!" Dylan claimed while looking through it. "How does all this stuff fit in here?"

As Dylan, Marnie and Melanie went through the bag, their grandma talked to their mother.

"You know, dear, if I'm not mistaken, this is Marnie and Melanie's 13th Halloween. Wonderfully lucky number 13, especially for twins!" Aggie said to her daughter. The both of them watching the twins mess around with things from their grandmother's bag.

"Totally!" They shouted simultaneously, after hearing the last of their grandma's sentence.

"Yes. I'm well aware of what number it is, mother."

"Hey, look! A pentagram." Melanie said as she pulled out the necklace and handed it to her sister.

"You know, Lon Chaney had one of these on his palm when he got bitten by that werewolf." Marnie said as she put the necklace on.

"So he did." Their grandmother said. "I've always said the movies can teach us about life." Aggie told the twins.

"Mother, as I have just got through telling the twins, Halloween is not something that-" Their mom began, only to be cut off by Sophie running into the room.

"What else can I do grandma?" Sophie asked. Bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Why don't you put out the pumpkins? You see, they have such cute little faces. Just like yours." Aggie said to her youngest grandchild.

"Neat." Sophie said as she left the room again.

"And I thought you two would appreciate, these." Aggie said. Pulling something out of a cloth little bag and showing the twins.

"Hieroglyphics!" The twins said in happiness, as Marnie took the stone and looked it over before handing it to Melanie.

"Mother." Gwen said with a stern tone of voice.

"You know, these look like the ones from the Egyptian book of the dead." Melanie said in awe as she admired the stone."

"Very good." Aggie said. "I bet you both get A's in school." She then bobbed Marnie on the nose.

"Actually, they get B's and C's. I get the A's." Dylan said. Melanie and Marnie sharing a look before both rolled their eyes.

"Grandma this is totally awesome." Melanie said.

"Yeah. I mean, nobody around here really appreciates our taste in weird stuff." Marnie pointed out.

"Encouragement, not good." Dylan said to their mom.

"No." Gwen said back.

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