Preparing to Battle A Veritas

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 Will rested on his bed for a few minutes before spending the rest of his time meditating. His next opponent was of a higher standard than Francis, by quite a bit. Not only that, but the next foe did not have many weaknesses Will could exploit. Francis had a weak frame of mind, and was over reliant on her Truthseeking skills to understand her opponent.

'This guy on the other hand does not have those two issues.' Will frowned as he pondered on how to defeat his next foe. He was confident on exploiting a weakness or two, but that would not be enough to secure victory.

"Your next opponent is much stronger than Francis, yet you have already exhausted your energy reserves. It seems you are quite confident in beating your opponent in a short time frame." said Wodin.

The deity had once again 'appeared' from nowhere. But Will couldn't care less about that. Adelda was always visible to him, so what was wrong about adding one more phantom to the list?

Wodin's words caught Adelda's attention. Will should have known who he was fighting next, as it was quite obvious from seeing the line up. The opponent was quite famous and there was plenty of information available on the system about him, unlike the relatively unknown Francis. Will had already spent all the points he could to research his opponents so there should be no gaps in his knowledge regarding this foe.

'He knew he would be facing a Veritas. But he still exhausted his energy. Although his skill proficiency and usage of low level skills improved a lot, he still sacrificed having a protracted battle with his next opponent. He now has no choice but to finish the next opponent in less than ten minutes to stand a chance of winning this.'

There was no way Will could refill his energy reserves as he didn't have enough time or resources. Will only had the mind pill and soul pill. They helped his vessels but did nothing to power him up directly.

A broken down car that lacked fuel would not move if you repaired the engine. Without the fuel, it would never start.

Will did have some objects for refuelling his yuan, but none had a great effect on him because he refined most of the energy his body possessed through cultivation. This made him much stronger than the average cultivator, but it also made his vessels more demanding in terms of quality and quantity.

A pill that could allow an average level 100 user to refill themselves to their peak would only help Will reach ten percent at best. And that was assuming he had a lot of time to meditate. These energy refilling pills and potions' effects did not stack and could only be used one at a time.

Will took a World Energy Pill out of inventory and swallowed it. It had a condensed form of World Energy that went straight to his dantian for processing. He would refine it, circulate it around his body then convert it into yuan. Still he estimated that he would have less than 10% of his usual energy amount. It was a small pill but it was already worth dozens of points. It was one of many drops Will had picked up during his first trip in a normal dungeon.

But the lack of energy didn't matter. Because this was part of his plan.

"I wouldn't say I'm confident, but I wouldn't say I don't have a chance either. Considering my limitations this was the best course of action for me to make. I still have a few cards to play. Cards I don't use very often. So this will be fun."

Adelda smiled at Will's relaxed words. He did have quite a few skills he did not use. Skills that didn't utilise a lot of mana. He had asked Letty to retrieve as many water type skills as she could and he had learned them all. Will was not a complete novice. He had long processed most of those skills. Not to mention...

'He hasn't used any class skills from the water users he has killed.'

Will had not fought many users, let alone those with water type classes. But one water type class with crucial skills had fallen into his hands, and he had not used it.

'That class normally expends a lot of energy, but Will has two skills that can reduce that burden greatly.'

She once more called up Will's attribute panel to observe him.

[Username: Peerless Dao Master

Level: 99

Class: True Water Meister, Sword Expert

Energy Type: Yuan

Points: 410000000

Race: Human


Endurance: 489 (+103)

Agility: 521(248)

Strength: 487(189)

Wisdom: 550 (305)

Intelligence: 528(+299)


Skills: Dual Mind (passive),Dual Mind Propagation (passive), Class Duality (passive), Basic Swordsmanship (passive), Sword Enlightenment (passive), Water Enlightenment (passive), Water Manipulation (passive), Bloodlust (active), Radiant Energy (active), The Breath (active), Sword Totem (active), Battle Awareness (passive), Hydrolytic Fission (active), Hydromantic Transformation (active), Spatial Rend (active), Water Blade (Active)...

Custom Skills:

Suijim No Ikari: Arashi, Uzumaki, Yamato no Orochi, Datenshi no Zetubou (active)

Cultivation Manuals: Solitary Sword Sovereign Arts Frozen Asgard Arts]

Meisters had no active skills to start with, but in return, their capacity to learn and master element related skills was unmatched. Thanks to this, Will had learned hundreds of water related skills. Most were under E rating, but they represent a wealth of knowledge that a person like Will could utilise.

"Are you not going to take a pill? To help recover your soul and mind?" While repairing the vessels did not speed up his energy recovery by much, it was still an upgrade that could improve Will's power by leaps and bounds. Especially the mind pill.

Will's mind was already powerful and had been corrected by Wodin's Flowing Tide Restriction. Even if Will was not the tournament favourite he was without a doubt the fighter with the strongest mind.

With his Higher Senses locked away, he could not use it to it's fullest. But if it was upgraded his spell casting and energy efficiency would improve greatly. Will's control over his soul would also improve as the mind controlled the soul.

On the topic of souls, the soul pill could also help as well, because the soul was the bridge between the mind and body. It connected the ethereal and the tangible. All energies were moved by Soul Force, which was born from the soul. So a higher quality soul meant greater control over one's energy.

As the soul controlled the body, it would also improve his movements and amplify the effects of his spells.

And yet despite these benefits, Will still had no intention of taking the pills...yet.

Will was touched by this rare show of concern from Adelda nonetheless. He feigned being breathless, "Ah my waifu, thanks for your consideration, alas I cannot!"

Adelda ignored his antics and tilted her head in confusion.

"I agree." Wodin's timely input only served to further her confusion.

Will's expression quickly changed to a frown as he said, "Adelda-chan, I want to win, not make it to the semis. If I use them now, I won't be able to beat him."

Will's unusually sombre time caught Adelda's attention. The former motioned to the screen with his chin after he spoke.

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