B+ Class: The Power of a Necromancer

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Elsewhere, the battlefield was shrouded in chaos and despair. The humans fought valiantly against the relentless onslaught of ogres, their determination fuelled by a shared goal - the eradication of this monstrous threat. The humans were overwhelmed and outmanned. Despite their valiant efforts, the ogres had targeted the weakness in the centre of the human formation. The ogres made a wedge formation with their strongest warriors while their ogre shamans applied buffs and debuffs.

Thus the humans in the centre dropped like flies. Causing the others to be filled with despair. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a figure emerged from the smoke and haze, casting an eerie silhouette against the backdrop of destruction.

A powerful hooded woman, her form accentuated by a skin-tight robe, stepped forward. Queen Abyss radiated an aura of mystique and power. Her presence alone commanded attention, and a hushed whisper spread across the human ranks as they beheld her.

With a wave of her slender hand, Queen Abyss began to channel her dark magic. Her fingertips glowed with otherworldly energy as she uttered ancient incantations, invoking the forces of death and decay. The air crackled with anticipation as her spell unfolded.

From the barren earth beneath her, a few hundred ogre corpses rose, animated by Queen Abyss's necromantic prowess. The humans watched in awe and disbelief as the once-lifeless bodies stood tall, their eyes gleaming with an unholy fire. Cheers erupted from the human ranks, their hope reignited by the arrival of this enigmatic saviour.

"Queen Abyss! Queen Abyss!" The chant spread like wildfire among the humans, echoing across the battlefield. The Necromancer's name became a battle cry, a symbol of salvation in this desperate hour.

The army of undead ogres, now under Queen Abyss's command, advanced with relentless determination. Their steps were heavy and purposeful, rattling the ground beneath them. The humans marvelled at the sight, realizing that they now had a formidable force on their side.

With precision and finesse, Queen Abyss unleashed a series of devastating spells upon the ogres who had once been her foes. She wielded her powers like a conductor, orchestrating a symphony of destruction.

First, she cast Corpse Explosion, targeting clusters of ogres with pinpoint accuracy. The undead exploded upon impact, sending bone fragments and viscera flying, creating a macabre spectacle that struck fear into the hearts of their brethren.

Next, Queen Abyss used Confusion, a spell that twisted the minds of the ogres, turning them against their own kind. Chaos erupted as the confused ogres attacked their allies, their once unified front crumbling in disarray. The humans seized this opportunity, pressing their advantage with renewed vigour.

But Queen Abyss wasn't done yet. With a wicked smile upon her lips, she invoked fear-inducing debuffs upon the ogres. A wave of dread washed over the monstrous creatures, sapping their strength and resolve. Their movements became sluggish, their attacks feeble, as the Necromancer's dark magic penetrated their very souls.

As the battle raged on, Queen Abyss remained a beacon of power and resilience. She moved with otherworldly grace, her every gesture a testament to her mastery over the forces of death. The humans gained some momentum from her presence, but it was still not enough to deal with the overwhelming number of ogres. The ogre shamans quickly countered her debuffs and steadied the situation, creating a temporary equilibrium.

It was at this moment that Letty heard Duke's voice in her mind, "I'm done. You can start." Letty grinned because she could now get serious. Now that Duke was ready, she could properly apply her Soul Regalia! They could now use Soul Chain Share!

Letty smiled underneath her hood. She had had enough of warming up. Soul Chain Share needed the others to acclimatize to each other before full activation. Duke's transformation due to receiving divine energy not only upgraded his vessels but it had also made him more yang in nature. Thus, it took to adjust the spell accordingly.

Alice was neutral, Letty was yin, and now Duke was yang. According to Woodsy, Duke being more yang would balance out Letty's extreme yin, strengthening the spell further. This was one of the reasons they valued Hou Yi's legacy so much. Alice, as the mind, was responsible for controlling the flow of energy and acting as the brain. Letty, as the soul, was responsible for being the bridge between everyone and being the main energy supply. Duke, as the body, was responsible for bearing the strain of the connection and supplying Life Force to the others.

Letty's had a few talents, but her greatest trait was her stupendous mana quantity and output. All Necromancers shared this trait, but Letty was a bit special.

Letty's class was Nether Priest, a class that focused on communicating with the dead. She possessed some skills in soul magic and Necromancer magic, but they had major drawbacks. Initially, the majority of her abilities were in communicating with the dead, and her base skills could only raise undead that she had killed. However, her undead were incapable of independent thought, and this put stress on her mind as she had to control their every move. While her class was suited for scouting and information gathering, it was not very useful for battle in the lower levels. Letty believed that until she could slay a powerful beast, she would not be of much use to her team. Additionally, even if she could defeat a powerful beast, using it would require mana that she could not provide.

Now things were different, as she was not only high levelled, she had also gained an understanding of the basics of Intent. It was a rudimentary use, but it was enough for her to properly use her mental energy. Soul Explosion allowed her to slaughter enemies, allowing her to control the corpses of enemies she killed. Thus solving her initial problem of only being able to manipulate corpses that she had dispatched.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late. The variables were insane." Said Duke in the telepathic channel.

"It's alright; you made it back and were successful; that's what counts." Replied Letty as she casually killed ogres.

With each spell she cast, the tide of the battle shifted further in favour of the humans. The ogres, once an unstoppable force, now found themselves overwhelmed by the combined might of the humans and the undead army under Queen Abyss's control. The earth shook beneath the weight of their clash, the ground stained with blood and littered with fallen bodies. The humans fought alongside their newfound allies, emboldened by Queen Abyss's presence. They pushed forward, driven by the belief that victory was within their grasp. The hooded Necromancer, her face hidden in shadow, served as a guiding light in this darkest of hours.

After getting ready, she stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with determination. With each step she took, the ground quivered beneath her feet as if paying homage to her mastery over the forces of death and decay. The humans turned their gaze toward her, a flicker of hope igniting in their hearts.

At the war meeting, the group had agreed upon a signal. This signal would indicate that Letty was about to use her 'trump card', signalling the climax of the battle. Once she used this signal, the other troops were supposed to steer clear of her area and do as much as they could to drive the ogres toward her position in the centre. And the signal was the matrix for Soul Chain Share!

Underneath her feet, a complex matrix appeared, releasing tendrils of energy that seemed like the tentacles of a creature born in the underworld. Soul Chain Share was a rare skill that low-level humans would never be able to identify easily. Even if Everlasting Willow were there, he would not be able to identify the spell.

Drawing upon her wellspring of arcane knowledge and the power of Soul Chain Share, Letty channelled the souls of monsters she had harnessed throughout the battle. Soul Regalia was an SS+-rated skill, a skill capable of changing the scope of any battlefield.

Through Soul Chain Share, Alice helped her run complex computations and process information at high speeds, while Duke's body allowed her to channel much more energy than her weak body could normally take. She was like a tiger with wings that had been let loose on its favourite hunting ground. A ground filled with negative energy, souls and the thick stench of death!

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