His Inner Thoughts

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Adelda had seen how Will had turned the dragon into a Vanishing Point. To her, that was his greatest display of skill so far. It didn't matter that they were connected by Hela's Dominion, nor did it matter that Will had just undergone an extreme evolution of his vessels. It didn't change the fact that she did not know how he had done such a thing.

It was not possible for her to understand skills she had no talent for, but at least she should have an idea. As a descendant of the Literati, she had access to an incredible wealth of knowledge.

'Even if I can't perform the skill, I should at least be able to tell the parameters for it.'

Yet she still could not comprehend what had happened.

"Lord Odin, earlier you said that it's not about understanding others?"

Odin stroked his chin and said, "Yes, perspective isn't just what others experience in life, but it can also be about what others think of you."

Adelda tilted her head in confusion, "All-Father, forgive me, I'm a bit confused"

Odin chuckled and replied, "What do you think he spends most of his time thinking about besides the way of cultivation, especially when it comes to other people?"

Adelda remained silent because she honestly had no clue.

"Isn't he predictable? Surely that question must be easy for you to answer right?"

Adelda wanted to say 'buttocks' but she did not speak. If the answer was that simple Odin would not have asked. She tried to think of what Will actually thought of most of the time.

'Could it be how to live like a swordsman, or perhaps his family? Maybe his future? He is quite lustful as well, but it would be arrogant to think that he lusts after me enough to think of me often...'

Odin chuckled and smiled like a mischievous child eating candy, "Outside of the art of cultivation and battle, he actually spends most of his time thinking about what others think of him!"

Adelda paused because this was not an answer she was expecting at all. On the contrary, it was far from it.

'Will cares about how others see him?'

Adelda couldn't quite wrap her head around that. Will's stubborn nature and refusal to follow trends were part of his core personality. He didn't follow others easily and cared very little for others' opinions of him. One could even say that this lack of desire to fit in was what caused a rift to form between him and his family, who were extremely social by nature.

Odin noticed her confusion and decided to help by shedding some light, "Will actually thinks of others often. In fact, it motivates him more than anything else. He struggled to be understood as a child so he spends most of his time being mindful of others.

He isn't anti-social because he can't be social. He is actually quite the talent in that regard. But he dislikes crowds and meeting new people so he secluded himself.

He isn't quiet, he is quite the talker who often speaks his mind. But he is selective about who he talks to.

He isn't as arrogant as he seems. Granted he has pride, but it's more like he despises pretences that accompany false humility.

He isn't fighting because of some obsession to become a sword Immortal or some other nonsense like that. He fights to protect his family and the planet he calls his home. A very ordinary reason for one to put their life on the line, but its enough for the lad.

He is driven by a desire not only born from self but also born from thinking of others close to him. You might not realize this, but when he thinks of you he actually imagines the view you have of him from above.

When he thinks of his father, he thinks of how he looks at him.

When he recalls his brother, he worries about what he thinks of him.

When he imagines his sister, he wonders why she loves him so much.

When he thinks of his stepmother he ponders on why she was willing to love children that weren't her own so unconditionally, despite the fact that he made things hard for her.

He even wonders what it would be like to be the very air around you. Always being by you. He is quite the odd thinker. It's not about being capable of understanding many perspectives, but about how extreme the perspectives you care about are.

He thinks of odd extreme perspectives all day. But they mostly come back to him. They can mostly be boiled down to the phrase, 'What do people think of me?'

It might shock you to know this. But deep down he cares about what you think more than anyone else. He just doesn't show you. Modus didn't just give you a babysitting job. He knows you must be there to motivate the boy. The more you are there, the more he considers your perspective of him and the more he grows.

Keep that in mind for the near future. This knowledge might be handy next time you want to motivate him. You might be surprised by the results. That is if you can find a way to motivate him hehe."

Adelda ignored the All Father's perverted chuckle and bowed her head in thanks. She turned her attention back to Will who had just entered the tunnel.

She could not believe that Will was that much interested in the opinions of others. If anything Will seemed like he couldn't care less. She knew that Odin had his ways of knowing what Will was thinking but she didn't think he would be that detailed.

Odin was infamous when it came to his wisdom and understanding of the nature of others. He would never lie about this nor would he have said anything if he was simply jumping to conclusions. These were words spoken by the true King of Asgard. They were worth their weight in gold.

"The boy acts tough but he's as delicate as anyone under the right circumstances. But thanks to that, his mental strength had manifested a unique set of abilities that can combine the aqueous flexibility of water, the sharp nature of steel, the utility of space and the complexities of the soul. The sheer amount of skill and spell permutations that will result from these combining with the Realms of Perspective. Tell me, does that not excite you?"

Adelda could not help but admit that Odin was correct. Will was becoming more and more exciting in her eyes. She felt like a farmer cultivating a rare fruit, waiting patiently for it to bear fruit.f

As Will walked to the exit, Adelda noticed an oddity. Most mortals would not have noticed due to Will's quick and smooth motion, but any immortal could easily tell.

'Will stopped for a split second... Why?'

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